Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tariff East India Company

The masterminds behind Obama

today has Barack Obama's highly anticipated speech to the backdrop of the Brandenburg Gate. That he has a large number of consultants who bring him to such events in the limelight of media attention, reported at the weekend even the NY Times. But who is the real puppet masters, the Head behind the charismatic senator? Eric Walberg tries to explain this in article from the Al-Ahram Weekly, which I have translated.

Obama: The real power behind the throne

It is difficult to penetrate the hype and heat of Obama Mania, but one thing is clear: anyone who pulls the strings, argues Eric Walberg.

The race for election to the United States turns into the home stretch and it shows Barack Obama as the candidate who promised change, its true face. To the despair of anyone actually expecting changes. His recent call to declare Jerusalem the undivided capital of Israel, his denial of the right of Palestinians to return and his support for a Palestinian "state" similar to a reserve, which represents no threat to Israel, show how winning he yielded on this issue to the Zionist establishment.

After also President George W. Bush for an early withdrawal of troops from Iraq has called Obama's position looks on Iraq - the vow of the troops with the exception of a "residual force" within 16 months to take her home - less and less after a defining element of his foreign policy. Whatever always with the troops happened, it is not explicitly said it plans for the 14 permanent bases rewrite.

Obama also remains in Afghanistan in line. With growing losses of the NATO and exceed the monthly losses in Iraq, as in June this year, he suggested - now followed by McCain - that the U.S. up to 15,000 additional troops from Iraq should move there. Just before his trip to Afghanistan, he wrote in The New York Times "We need more troops, more helicopters, more successful intelligence work and more non-military Unterstzützung the mission to meet there." Would somebody please me the good Send to a victory Obama's show in November?

But then this should be no surprise to those who, with his main supporters and foreign policy adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, familiar. "To draw the Soviets into a Vietnamese quagmire" He went along with the current (and likely future) Secretary of Defense Robert Gates for the help, already in history. These are the words of Jimmy Carter's Secretary of Defense, Walter Slocumb, in March 1979, eight months before the Soviets were "drawn into" successful, when Gates was CIA chief. The change of guard in November will change nothing. The American Foreign policy has a logic that transcends the one who sleeps in the White House.

particularly heinous in all this is that there are five Brzezinski offspring who are all onboard the Obama campaign: Mark (director of Russian and Eurasian affairs at the National Security Council under President Clinton and one of the driving forces of the Orange Revolution in Ukraine in 2004 ), Ian (currently deputy secretary of state for European and NATO affairs and a supporter of the independence of Kosovo, NATO expansion into Ukraine and Georgia, and the missiles in Poland), Mika (political commentator on MSNBC, the interviews with Michele Obama contributed to the general Obama Mania media) and, finally, Mathew (a friend of Ilyas Akhamadov, "Foreign Minister and Ambassador of the Chechen opposition in the U.S.).

Brzezinski's trademark, an anti-Russian and anti-Muslim world politics, a future Obama administration dominate. In "Second Chance: Three Presidents and the Crisis of American Superpower," published last year, he sets his agenda for a new world order without a blush dar. Obviously there will be a global political awakening, the aim of "dignity" is. Non-economic development, not the reduction of poverty, not national independence from the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. Just the good old dignity, though Zbig mark the kind of dignity by creating spin-offs and weak Balkanization Staatlein for each ethnic minority, which the U.S. is appropriate. Remember: Kosovo and - if things went his way - Chechnya. Neo-Wilson's demagogy in the service not of peace but of U.S. hegemony, the encirclement of Russia and control the Arab world.

Zbig said at the official endorsement of Obama: "What makes Obama attractive to me is that he understands that we live in a very different world in which we are a large number understanding of cultures and peoples need. "Obama's alleged global approach and trans-ethnic and trans-racial fascination comes directly from Zbig textbook, or rather Second Chance, which will be the guide for the Obama campaign and his presidency.

Obama is literally a second chance for Brzezinski: having destroyed the Soviet Union and shattered the Warsaw Pact, he now wants to dissolve the Russian Federation itself and create the final touches on Afghanistan as an impregnable fortress of the United States against China, Russia, ... the list is endless. Perhaps Zbig is dreaming of restoring the Great Poland from 1600 - From the Black Sea to the Baltic, all controlled by petty aristocracy as the Brzezinski ...?

The Economist The blog said it best: "A new brain for Barack Obama! It is 78 years old and it still works perfectly. . It is Zbigniew Bezezinski, the lively former security adviser to Jimmy Carter "

The messianic idealism of the Obama campaign has been since the days of another creature Brzezinski not seen - Jimmy Carter, who makes him National Security Advisor, with catastrophic consequences. Brzezinski's anti-Russian obsession motivated him in 1976, to fueling the rise of Islamic fundamentalism, which he touted as the greatest single bulwark against Soviet communism.

Tarpley argues that Brzezinski was even secretly one of the driving forces in the overthrow of the Shah and the establishment of Ayatollah Khomeini in Tehran. Brzezinski cared less about the Middle East we have oil as a center from which Islamic fundamentalism could penetrate from the reactionary nature into the soft underbelly of the Soviet Union. For Brzezinski, the space between the southern border of the USSR and the Indian ocean to an "arc of crisis" and we must thank the skilful work of the horrors that take place there to this day. The

Carter Doctrine of 1980 - which said that the U.S. would dominate the Persian Gulf - is a root of the first Gulf War, the current Iraq war and the possible war against Iran. Brzezinski's grandiose scheme for the transformation of the world sparked a new cold war and was the birth of Al Qaeda, and without Soviet restraint the results could easily have been much more tragic than they ultimately were. In 1980, the disillusionment with Carter to the nightmare of the Reagan regime. But that was of little importance to Brzezinski - a small blinking on his radar screen.

2008, we have an obscure senator from Illinois, a Newcomer without notable success in the legislature, but solved with a raft full of utopian promises, including the race problem once and for all. Recession, unemployment and the alarming increase in poverty are insignificant, a golden age is imminent, thanks to this magical personality. Since he knows nothing about foreign policy, these matters will be fully taken over by the Brzezinski conspiracy.

But there seems to be a small hook. submissive Despite Obama's pro-Israel bows of late familiar to him, the Israeli lobby, not yet. Quite probably because they know who the man behind the heir apparent , and the stand they can not, nor he them. With regard to the AIPAC members, he said in an interview with The Daily Delegraph: "Do not you work by arguing but by slandering, demonize and vilify. They speak quickly from anti-Semitism. It is a kind of paranoia in this inclination to view any serious attempt at a peace compromise as somehow directed against Israel. "

But then Brzezinski was a key figure in Carter's Camp David Accords in 1978, by the Zionists often rejected because they return the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt as an exchange for a cold peace included. Brzezinski is definitely not a die-hard Zionist, although he is happy to allow the destruction of Palestine. Maybe he is behind his gentle exterior is still the Polish anti-Semite, with a version of the New World Order without Israel Center.

If he can get the general momentum, he could be able to outdo the Zionists in Washington and his horse to the finish first. These are on the defensive these days, with espionage accusations, and with J Street Project, a Jewish lobby group which even dares to criticize Israel. Is that then the estate in a Obama victory?


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