Wednesday, July 23, 2008

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Another disciple less CO2

Andrew Bolt seems to have succeeded with his column, the stone of climate change again to start the ball rolling, because of Alex Jone's Prison Planet has one up this subject again. The author is Paul Joseph Watson about the sudden change of heart by a former disciple of CO2 report.

Scientific genius: No evidence that CO2 global warming triggers

Another main proponents of man-made climate change revoke

The campaign, which forces people to accept that "by the debate 'and that the driving caused by human CO2 emissions to climate change lies deep in the Trouble, because now another major advocate of global warming - has withdrawn its position completely - the scientific genius and carbon calculation expert Dr. Richard Evans.

Evans from 1999 to 2005 Adviser of the Australian Greenhouse Office, and he wrote the CO2-balance model (FullCAM), which monitors compliance with Australia's Kyoto Protocol.

points in an article in the newspaper The Australian forth Evans why he was so eager to jump on the train the man-made explanation without there is any clear result this was causing the temperature rise during the period between the late '70s and 1998 added.

"The evidence was not conclusive, but why wait until we were certain when it seemed as we had to act quickly? "writes Evans. "Soon after, worked together the government and the scientific community and there were many jobs in the research. We scientists had political support, the attention of government, big budgets and we felt fairly important and useful (I did anyway). It was great. We worked to save the planet. "

" But since 1999 new evidence the view that carbon dioxide emissions are the main cause of global warming seriously weakened and in 2007 were the evidence that carbon plays only a minor role and not the main cause of recent global warming was very conclusive. "he ends.

Evans argues that if the "greenhouse signature", which indicate that CO2 emissions could increase the temperatures - "an accumulation of heat in about 10 km altitude in the atmosphere over the tropics" - and which would be evident if man-made climate change would simply not existent.

"If there is no heat storage, then an increased greenhouse effect is not the cause of global warming. So know we ensure that carbon emissions are not the factor that determines the global warming, "he writes.

Evans highlights data collected from satellites around the earth and those who show that the temperatures have fallen last year by about 0.6 degrees Celsius - back to the level of the 80s. These figures are supplemented by anecdotal evidence of a slowdown - China learned recently the coldest winter in 100 years, taken during the North East of America's record snow depth was and Great Britain since under the coldest April decades in the late-blooming daffodils almost every day were covered with frost and snow, suffered.

Evans also cited past climate change and the fact that CO2 did not trigger increases in temperature, but they lagged behind throughout 800 years.

"The new ice cores show that took place during the past six global warmings of the last half million years the temperature rises on average 800 years before the accompanying rise in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. That says something important about it from what cause and what was effect. "He writes.

"The last point was known in 2003 and beyond any discussion, but Al Gore made his movie in 2005 and presented ice cores as the sole reason to believe that CO2 emissions cause global warming. In any other political context our cynical and experienced press would have companies would certainly be described as dishonest and widely questioned the politician's assessment. "Writes Evans.

Evans warns that the existence of the advocates of man-made theory that "the debate is over," although the content of CO2 discharged on climate change "only accepted, was not proven 'and the joy with the government measures to combat of global warming, this false adopter take economies are to ruin. And with continued cooling temperatures, the authorities accused of "criminal negligence" for deliberately lying to the public must make about climate change.

Evans public recantation of his position as a result of two peer-reviewed scientific papers, one of which documents how cool CO2 emissions in reality the temperature of the planet, and the others, like the IPCC the effect of CO2 discharged to the temperature by 2,000 percent has over-estimated.

As we reported last week that cools the world, the sea level drop, the ice is spreading, there are fewer extreme weather events and it was 1000 years ago hotter than today. Nevertheless, the myth of global warming is the excuse for governments in every aspect of our lives to intervene, such as those of Al Gore now openly called for CO2 tax on the energy we consume.

Andrew Bolt of the Australian Herald Sun has compiled a series of graphs based on numbers from a plethora of scientific bodies to prove that the allegations are proven not alarming, not only on climate change, but in reality the exact opposite of what the defenders proclaim the man-made global warming, is now observed.


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