14.01.2010 We have been following a "signer orgy" the planning application to the District Office. Is madness. Feels 200 signatures. I had already beat the mighty Schn .... full. And all for a normal working day. The first bill by FH was of course shortly thereafter, 5 percent of the construction costs are due. As the only bank financing is not yet out of the land, the payment can wait a little.
today then came the second letter from the district administration office. The first one has told us the file number of our planning application, in today's letter informed you that a couple of missing documents. Among other things, a fourth plan solution. That is indeed again a lot of signatures. Ummppf. Much regards the Ingeniuerbüro, but we must ask, for example, nor our neighbors to agree to our building project. Germany is already really strange! and the two parcels are now well-united after all. (This costs determined again what.) But it's going.
The required insurance we can also check again independent. There we can perhaps save a few euros.
came today then even mail from FH. The amendments to the initial draft (in contract) gerademal cost 170 euros. Since we were pleased. I thought it would be more expensive. But as you can see again:

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