Even yesterday evening, the terrible attack on the Marriott-managed hotel in Islamabad in the German media, including the still shocking crater and a direct cover on the empty frame, which was once a luxury hotel.

Each arises because of course the question of who is responsible for something. On the one hand, there are circulating for some time now, rumors of strange aluminum boxes, which were of U.S. marines days earlier, made it into the hotel and that no one was allowed to approach. Because this Pakistan Things are now officially investigated are the most paranoid of more than just spread rumors.
Nevertheless, there are of course already an Islamist group has claimed responsibility for the attacks , but none of the usual suspects. Fedayeen Islam, which means as much as partisans of Islam, is a nationalist, religious group from Iran. This was responsible for the murder of the employed by the British Prime Minister General Ali Razmara in Persia, and thus paving the west of the oil companies hated Mossadeq in 1951 the track. This nationalized the Iranian oil production and was therefore in 1953 with support CIA coup from office. Twelve years later murdered students who are associated with the Fedayeen Islam related, represented Hassan Mansur another Prime Minister who was known for the interests of the oil industry. Additional links may be found here , in the article on prison planet.
Why should commit to an organization that previously was only active in Iran, suddenly come upon the idea of an attack in Pakistan? The very fact that it is also Islamic enough, because I think not, especially now at the same time again that the EU and the IAEA to panic, because Iran allegedly in six months' worth of material a nuclear bomb and would have immediately stood in front of their development.
This smells but begged for a False Flag attack.
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