Yes, I was yesterday evening at the cinema and I have the story of three young, beginning before bursting with idealism and ideology, and people often made him the subject of some basic considerations. Especially the first part of the film is the depiction of the environment and the time, the background of it devoted to the meeting of the founding members of an organization that would put a few years later, much of the Federal Republic in fear and terror, and this shows startling parallels to today's in reality. But even more shocking is the fact is that the process of radicalization are observed not only understood but also can, he needs to agree in some cases. If there
one Gudrun Enslin on the couch at home sitting discussed with her parents and her partner about the crimes in Vietnam and the consumer society, her father while dying testimony of his daughter ("In Vietnam, tens of thousands of people, and here, all eating and consuming, so they not begin to think ") simply ignored the discussion leaves with the words" I must "whispered and went out to his son-to-be" in the church better you get married soon, "so this was an example passed over for the arrogance of the criticism then and for situations, leading to a general rejection of the establishment is simply no Change was possible, led. The have raised by Enslin, best moth of the consumer society, we still today, only that it propagated now from all the apparatus of mass media.
brings us to the next point of the day: The media, especially in the form of uncompromising, neo-conservative Springer press all their power abused to the well-intentioned demands of the student movement and the efforts of the APO, the erosion of the to prevent the constitution, not only brought resentment, but against the "long-haired anarchists" who "want to destroy everything" rushed, they defamed and betriebt a demagogy that the propaganda ministries all the dictatorships would pale. In this sense, the first part of the establishment instead of radicalization, as well as the establishment of the first death victims.
During the demonstrations against the Shah's visit, it was the police who support the Persian whipping agents, instead of protecting its own people, and einknüppelten on defenseless protesters. Sad climax of which was surely the death of Benno Ohnesorg, was shot in the street that the students "accidentally". The state had emerged not only here as a police state, but also as one who is against its own people and their right to freedom of expression taught. was
a significant opposition in parliament, however it because there was indeed a grand coalition, which provided 447 of the 496 deputies, under a Minister who was once a member of the Nazi Party. So moved the opposition, especially against the restriction of fundamental rights on the street, and was worn by the students. Their concerns, however, were misrepresented in the press and also the Chancellor met them full of incomprehension: "as they deliver but even the evidence that we need such laws"
sad result was the attack on student leader Rudi Dutschke, to which it without the agitation and the stir of the Springer press all would have been no likelihood, for how else would someone with the idea, another to murder on the grounds that no Communists like it. This Meinhof was to follow exceeded a limit by which a violent brigade was necessary and, consequently, they are no longer just Journalistic committed. " protest is when I say this or that does not suit me. Resistance is if I make sure that what does not suit me, no longer happens. "
But not only this incredible selection of processes and states within Germany creates an atmosphere for some almost conjured up a commitment to this kind of resistance. Within Europe, the Prague Spring was brutally overrun by tanks, the Americans waged war against a country and especially the civilian population there, that they had done nothing and no one doing anything about it. This tide of current events came a unregenerate, historical heritage.
The mass movement lost with the inauguration of brands and its reforms, its momentum, the fundamental changes were made, however, and the RAF had already embarked on its way and should, despite the ideological justifications, especially in subsequent generations, many innocent victims demand.
If this is now be an idealization, or even the glorification of the first generation of the RAF? No, certainly not. But I want to show that it was with her is a product of the time. And this time is different not particularly strongly from that in which we live today.
So, check out this movie, and as a warning to look at things on both sides may never happen again.