Saturday, September 27, 2008

Yaz As Emergency Contraceptive How To

The RAF: A child of her time

Yes, I was yesterday evening at the cinema and I have the story of three young, beginning before bursting with idealism and ideology, and people often made him the subject of some basic considerations. Especially the first part of the film is the depiction of the environment and the time, the background of it devoted to the meeting of the founding members of an organization that would put a few years later, much of the Federal Republic in fear and terror, and this shows startling parallels to today's in reality. But even more shocking is the fact is that the process of radicalization are observed not only understood but also can, he needs to agree in some cases. If there

one Gudrun Enslin on the couch at home sitting discussed with her parents and her partner about the crimes in Vietnam and the consumer society, her father while dying testimony of his daughter ("In Vietnam, tens of thousands of people, and here, all eating and consuming, so they not begin to think ") simply ignored the discussion leaves with the words" I must "whispered and went out to his son-to-be" in the church better you get married soon, "so this was an example passed over for the arrogance of the criticism then and for situations, leading to a general rejection of the establishment is simply no Change was possible, led. The have raised by Enslin, best moth of the consumer society, we still today, only that it propagated now from all the apparatus of mass media.

brings us to the next point of the day: The media, especially in the form of uncompromising, neo-conservative Springer press all their power abused to the well-intentioned demands of the student movement and the efforts of the APO, the erosion of the to prevent the constitution, not only brought resentment, but against the "long-haired anarchists" who "want to destroy everything" rushed, they defamed and betriebt a demagogy that the propaganda ministries all the dictatorships would pale. In this sense, the first part of the establishment instead of radicalization, as well as the establishment of the first death victims.

During the demonstrations against the Shah's visit, it was the police who support the Persian whipping agents, instead of protecting its own people, and einknüppelten on defenseless protesters. Sad climax of which was surely the death of Benno Ohnesorg, was shot in the street that the students "accidentally". The state had emerged not only here as a police state, but also as one who is against its own people and their right to freedom of expression taught. was

a significant opposition in parliament, however it because there was indeed a grand coalition, which provided 447 of the 496 deputies, under a Minister who was once a member of the Nazi Party. So moved the opposition, especially against the restriction of fundamental rights on the street, and was worn by the students. Their concerns, however, were misrepresented in the press and also the Chancellor met them full of incomprehension: "as they deliver but even the evidence that we need such laws"

sad result was the attack on student leader Rudi Dutschke, to which it without the agitation and the stir of the Springer press all would have been no likelihood, for how else would someone with the idea, another to murder on the grounds that no Communists like it. This Meinhof was to follow exceeded a limit by which a violent brigade was necessary and, consequently, they are no longer just Journalistic committed. " protest is when I say this or that does not suit me. Resistance is if I make sure that what does not suit me, no longer happens. "

But not only this incredible selection of processes and states within Germany creates an atmosphere for some almost conjured up a commitment to this kind of resistance. Within Europe, the Prague Spring was brutally overrun by tanks, the Americans waged war against a country and especially the civilian population there, that they had done nothing and no one doing anything about it. This tide of current events came a unregenerate, historical heritage.

The mass movement lost with the inauguration of brands and its reforms, its momentum, the fundamental changes were made, however, and the RAF had already embarked on its way and should, despite the ideological justifications, especially in subsequent generations, many innocent victims demand.

If this is now be an idealization, or even the glorification of the first generation of the RAF? No, certainly not. But I want to show that it was with her is a product of the time. And this time is different not particularly strongly from that in which we live today.

So, check out this movie, and as a warning to look at things on both sides may never happen again.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Urethral Stricture Skateboard

Why there is still no peace in the Middle East

For many here with us it's a complete mystery why it is still not succeeded after 60 years to find a solution for the Middle East conflict. I also belong to those that can not understand it. Yesterday Evening however, I found another good example of why under the present circumstances a compromise, and thus a lasting peace, is simply impossible.

I met by chance on an article the Israeli newspaper Ynet news , is reporting on a meeting of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with a delegation of ultra-Orthodox Jewish group Neturei Karta the margins of the UN General Assembly. The very fact that such a meeting takes place at all is already amazing enough, but it goes further. After the interview, the Jewish delegation, Rabbi Weiss is full of praise for Ahmadinejad:

"We know that he is no enemy of the Jews, he has a Jewish community in his country that he honors, defends and supports."


" Ahmadinejad understands how we tell the difference between Judaism and Zionism, "claimed Rabbi Weiss who emphasized that the Iranian president not to bombard ways, Israel, examined.

"Exactly the opposite is the case, he wants peace and not destroy the Jewish nation, which he has explained to us. He is against the Zionist difficulties by the state against the Palestinians be generated, "he said.

If an extract from the original article. Of course, one thing is clear: These ultra-Orthodox group is even anti-Zionist and refers here to a strict interpretation of the Torah, it is proposed that the Jews forbidden to establish a state on the current territory of Israel until the Messiah returns.

This is of course a mere matter of faith that could cause demand to dissolve the state of Israel is indefensible, realpoltisch they do not see anyway for the debate. But the mere fact that this is a dialogue taking place between Jews and an Islamic president shows what possibilities there were, if one would speak only with each other and each other was listening.

These hopes, however, be destroyed very quickly if something more scroll down and begins to read the comments. These are bursting with prior intolerance, stubbornness and fanaticism, and are the best representation of the reasons why must also die after 60 years still innocent people. Instead of grouping them together, I translate you just a few examples:

Eric from Tel Aviv: "Here are two people planning the end of Israel. You should be locked up both the keys should be destroyed, not just hidden, and the door sealed. They are too dangerous as that might allow them to run around freely. "

Moshe from Givataim:" Does anyone have this "spiritual leader" of a brainwashed? I can not believe they really believe this garbage ... It really is incredible ... This Ahmadinejad to call the man who wants peace, ahh yes, he is just an anti-Zionist. People, wake up and start to look up to you, open your eyes and realized that you live in our country. If you are part of us want, then try to behave Sun He wants to kill us and you stand next to us and says, "Well, he is a man who wants peace." Look at the reality or disappear. "

NYC Girl: "Eric # 1: Although I sympathize with your feelings, I think that with an excommunication would like this too well. Each of these fanatics, who lives in Israel and meets with Ahmadinejad should be indicted for treason. It is time to take off the kid gloves when it comes to the treatment of Neturei Karta and other ultra-religious extremists, because they allow the enemies of Israel and for too long a PR victory "

If three commentaries, there are 33 other, in unison to bring the same expression. But that also all quite logical: accusing those who want to talk to "enemies" but for that we have medium-range missiles and fighter planes. On this basis, can be set up really.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Gif Shemale On Female

The mystery of the Marriott attack

Even yesterday evening, the terrible attack on the Marriott-managed hotel in Islamabad in the German media, including the still shocking crater and a direct cover on the empty frame, which was once a luxury hotel.

Each arises because of course the question of who is responsible for something. On the one hand, there are circulating for some time now, rumors of strange aluminum boxes, which were of U.S. marines days earlier, made it into the hotel and that no one was allowed to approach. Because this Pakistan Things are now officially investigated are the most paranoid of more than just spread rumors.

Nevertheless, there are of course already an Islamist group has claimed responsibility for the attacks , but none of the usual suspects. Fedayeen Islam, which means as much as partisans of Islam, is a nationalist, religious group from Iran. This was responsible for the murder of the employed by the British Prime Minister General Ali Razmara in Persia, and thus paving the west of the oil companies hated Mossadeq in 1951 the track. This nationalized the Iranian oil production and was therefore in 1953 with support CIA coup from office. Twelve years later murdered students who are associated with the Fedayeen Islam related, represented Hassan Mansur another Prime Minister who was known for the interests of the oil industry. Additional links may be found here , in the article on prison planet.

Why should commit to an organization that previously was only active in Iran, suddenly come upon the idea of an attack in Pakistan? The very fact that it is also Islamic enough, because I think not, especially now at the same time again that the EU and the IAEA to panic, because Iran allegedly in six months' worth of material a nuclear bomb and would have immediately stood in front of their development.

This smells but begged for a False Flag attack.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How To Adjust Polaris Indy Suspension

The Blog-Die: The EU constable have found a new hangman

After three weeks of rest, there is now Time for a new product, probably much to the surprise of those who believed it was the boundless free-video-dying fell victim. Which is thankfully not so, but I have to rest this project. The reason is simple: the translation of article was very zeitaufwändigund with an hour per side for the filler of the events and the confusion of contradictory information is not easy. That's why I I struggled through this now to soften the original concept and water down and even writing articles.

There were of course a specific cause: I came today to Alex Jone's Prison Planet article on the Daily Telegraph , who convinced me to make this work further.

Our dear parliamentarians of the EU, namely from the anonymous blogs as possible to put an end soon. For fear of abuse of anonymity and dissemination of disinformation.

Some Marianne Mikko from Estonia is concerned that a growing number of blogs of individuals with "malicious Intentions or secret plans "to be used. It therefore recommended that bloggers have to identify in the future and some popular blogs should contain a statement of their intentions. I hear you

Nightingale traps. Even if a decision on the issue of the EU Parliament on Thursday, falling should he not be bound by law, we notice the nasty anonymous bloggers, however, is to go where the train. Because misinformation is again at the end all that pardon by the information ministry, the establishment media, is not said or written. And we could then silence in a perfectly legal way, because who can already like sedition or accuse the like, including a search warrant at dawn.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Power Of Attorney Form To Cash A Check

definition forms of housing

Some Definitions of the various house and apartment types:

detached: single or multi-storey detached house that is for the satisfaction of housing for a family.

two-or multi-family house: single or multi-storey detached house to the satisfaction of housing for two or more families is, the units are separated and the initiation of any residential unit is a separate entrance inside or outside the building.

row house built in composite of several houses in a row the total number of rooms is usually divided between two or more floors. Typical of row houses is also the most successful small garden.

Farmhouse: house with a maximum of 4 units and typical agricultural outbuildings (stables, barns, etc.).

Farmhouse: similar to the farmhouse located in rural areas, but without the typical agricultural outbuildings.

Bungalow: storey house without basement mostly light-weight, which can not be increased.

Villa: Representative house with a large number of rooms (often more bedrooms, bathrooms, etc.).

apartment building: house with several apartments that are rented.

Single dwelling: mostly Small apartment with living room, that the residential requirement covers for one person.

maisonette apartment: an apartment extending over two floors within a building where the entrance to the second floor inside the home is located.

Penthouse: an apartment which is located on the top floor of a building and has a private terrace.

Loft: an apartment in a former factory building was developed and usually no physical separation by walls inside the home added.

My Babys Cheeks Are Red


When Immobilieninseration by brokers more and more platforms are used. Which, of course the advantage is to present its own offer a wider mass but also carries serious drawbacks! Suppose a large real estate brokerage has about 1,000 properties in its portfolio. If he advertised on three platforms it already covers a wide spectrum, assuming it is around platforms with good performance. If now offers the same unlimited real estate broker in the rush of his objects are 30 platforms for customers apparently on a many times more objects to market. Simple calculation: 1000 Real Estate X 3 = 3000 platforms seemingly immovable property - 1000 Real Estate X 30 Platforms = 30 000 seemingly immovable property ! Since
believes appear on different platforms often different photos in the preview of the property seekers in a massive offer that but it does not exist in reality. Thus, for the broker selling more difficult, as the customer receives no more compromise, as are so many homes on the market onehin yes. can

Monday, September 1, 2008

Mr Nonsense T Shirt Singapore

Daily Telegraph uncovered the climate lie

begins today in the UK back to school, including the new subject "Climate Change". Fits to publish the Daily Telegraph , one of the major British newspapers, an article that could change everything. Wake up, you German media!

The "consensus" on climate change is itself a disaster

by Christopher Booker

With more and more into the skyrocketing cost of the measures proposed by politicians to "combat global warming" - as the 45 trillion of U.S. International Energy Council - the "climate change" the most expensive single-issue of the global political agenda.

by the rivalry of Senators Obama and McCain save the leaders of the EU in the promise of 50, 60 and even 80% of CO2 emissions, it is clear that there is a dramatic change in the way we live and a dramatic reduction our standard of living need to achieve even half their imaginary targets.

makes all of this is to know quite important, as our Politicians came to believe that global warming is the greatest challenge facing humanity, and how reliable the evidence for the theory is based on their policies.

By far the greatest importance to the fact that it has made climate change at the top of the global agenda, was the IPCC of the United Nations, established in 1988, not least on the initiative of the Thatcher government. (For this reason, was Sir John Houghton, then the head of the UK Meteorological Office, the first chairman.)

Through a series of reports and international conferences, it was the IPCC which led to the Kyoto Protocol of 1997, which soon an even more ambitious successor will get the next year will be agreed in Copenhagen.

The general opinion of the IPCC is that 2,500 of the leading scientists in the world after they have weighed all the evidence carefully against each other, come to the "consensus" that temperatures will rise catastrophically in the world, and that the only plausible reason the increase of CO2 discharged and others, man-made greenhouse gas content.

In reality, as was in the last 20 years and more obvious - not least because of evidence of a series of scientists who participated in the IPCC itself - what will the reality of this curious Facility not be more of it.

It is not so much a scientific as a political institution. Their task was never to take a sober look at all the evidence for man-made global warming: It has always accepted as an accepted fact.

deals Indeed, in general only a relatively small number of reports with the science of global warming. The majority has to begin to accept the official line, and deals exclusively with the assessment of the impact of global warming and what should be done about it.

In fact, the agenda of the IPCC always strictly by a small group of official controls at its peak. A recent study has shown, of the 53 participants of the key Chapter 9 of the last report, which deals with the simple science (most of them British and Americans, of whom 10 with the Hadley Centre, part of the UK Meteorological Office is the name) are 37 part of a tightly knit network of academics who are all supporters of the official theory of global warming.

says on the basis of their computer models of the IPCC, the warming in the future before.

The last step of the process, before any report is published, the production of a "summary for Policymakers "by the head of the IPCC, to contact the governments.

That's what makes the headlines in the media and what is too often the more cautious and more qualified findings of the contributors to the report itself, pushing the sidelines.

The idea that the IPCC any kind of real, scientific consensus is reflected, is a total invention. Time and time again, there were examples of how evidence was manipulated to support the official line, the infamous "hockey stick" the best known.

had a beginning, the defenders of global warming huge problem. Evidence reported from anywhere in the world to the fact that the earth was hotter 1,000 years ago than it is today. It was generally accepted, so the first two world climate reports included a graph based on work by Sir John Houghton himself, and shows that the temperatures were during soganannten "Mediaeval Warming Period" [Warm phase of the Middle Ages] higher than in the 90s. The problem was that this is a mighty hole in the thesis of the heating only by the recently released CO2 from man broke. Then in 1999 came

an obscure, young physicist from the U.S. named Michael Mann, with a new graph like he was never even had seen before. Instead of the familiar of the rise and fall of temperatures during the last 1000 years, this line ran virtually flat, increasing dramatically only in recent decades, so that a hockey stick-like form emerged, the last decades simply as the hottest on record auswies.

This was exactly what did the IPCC, the medieval warm period had simply disappeared from the records. appeared

When the next report in 2001, Mann's graph was a top position in part, at the top of the front page of the Summary for Policymakers and five more times in the report itself, but then began

two Canadian computer analysts, Steve McIntyre and Ross McKitrick, find out how man had come to this graph. As a man after she brought great difficulties to give them the data, it turned out that he had built into his program an algorithm that produces a hockey stick graph, no matter what the data you enter. Even numbers from a phone book would produce a hockey stick.

the time of his last report, the IPCC had an even bigger problem. Far away, to rise in step with the CO2 levels, such as his computer models had predicted, global temperatures commuted to the abnormally hot 1998 on a lower level, and indeed fell - a trend that was confirmed by the satellite data for NASA during the past 18 months.

The whole thing was so clear that conclude that even scientists who support global warming, now that we can expect through changes in ocean currents, a decade or more of the "cooling off" before the "underlying warming trend" again makes its appearance .

The point is that none of the computer models on which the IPCC relies, was predicted.

In the ever-growing, well-informed criticism in the methods of the IPCC, is a detailed study of the Australian analyst John McLean (found via Google "Prejudiced authors, prejudiced findings"), such as incestuous most members of the core group of academics whose models underpin everything that the Intergovernmental Panel on wants to make believe global warming are interconnected.

The importance of the past year is not just that the vaunted "consensus" about the forces that control our climate, so far has been pushed into the distance like never before, but that even a new "counter-consensus" among thousands has emerged from scientists around the world the last March in the Manhattan Declaration by the so-called "Non-Governmental Penal on Climate Change" was expressed.

has this process of the IPCC back completely, showing how its computer models are biased hopeless on unreliable data are based and are programmed to ignore many of the actual drivers of climate change, from variations in solar activity to cyclical changes in ocean currents.

As Roger Cohen, a physicist who was once involved in the IPCC, and had long accepted his final, is expressed: "I was shocked at how thin the reasoning is. I was also shocked by the behavior of many who had participated in the production of world climate reports, and many who helped to spread it. The special I mean the arrogance, the activities that were intended to prevent discussion, the obvious inventions, and the mindless defense of bogus science, and the politicization of the IPCC process and the scientific process itself "happens

Nevertheless, right now, that while the house of cards wobbles of the IPCC, the politicians of the Western world use it to propose steps that can only damage our way of life beyond any imagination. It

is really time that the "counter-consensus" is taken seriously.