Saturday, September 27, 2008

Yaz As Emergency Contraceptive How To

The RAF: A child of her time

Yes, I was yesterday evening at the cinema and I have the story of three young, beginning before bursting with idealism and ideology, and people often made him the subject of some basic considerations. Especially the first part of the film is the depiction of the environment and the time, the background of it devoted to the meeting of the founding members of an organization that would put a few years later, much of the Federal Republic in fear and terror, and this shows startling parallels to today's in reality. But even more shocking is the fact is that the process of radicalization are observed not only understood but also can, he needs to agree in some cases. If there

one Gudrun Enslin on the couch at home sitting discussed with her parents and her partner about the crimes in Vietnam and the consumer society, her father while dying testimony of his daughter ("In Vietnam, tens of thousands of people, and here, all eating and consuming, so they not begin to think ") simply ignored the discussion leaves with the words" I must "whispered and went out to his son-to-be" in the church better you get married soon, "so this was an example passed over for the arrogance of the criticism then and for situations, leading to a general rejection of the establishment is simply no Change was possible, led. The have raised by Enslin, best moth of the consumer society, we still today, only that it propagated now from all the apparatus of mass media.

brings us to the next point of the day: The media, especially in the form of uncompromising, neo-conservative Springer press all their power abused to the well-intentioned demands of the student movement and the efforts of the APO, the erosion of the to prevent the constitution, not only brought resentment, but against the "long-haired anarchists" who "want to destroy everything" rushed, they defamed and betriebt a demagogy that the propaganda ministries all the dictatorships would pale. In this sense, the first part of the establishment instead of radicalization, as well as the establishment of the first death victims.

During the demonstrations against the Shah's visit, it was the police who support the Persian whipping agents, instead of protecting its own people, and einknüppelten on defenseless protesters. Sad climax of which was surely the death of Benno Ohnesorg, was shot in the street that the students "accidentally". The state had emerged not only here as a police state, but also as one who is against its own people and their right to freedom of expression taught. was

a significant opposition in parliament, however it because there was indeed a grand coalition, which provided 447 of the 496 deputies, under a Minister who was once a member of the Nazi Party. So moved the opposition, especially against the restriction of fundamental rights on the street, and was worn by the students. Their concerns, however, were misrepresented in the press and also the Chancellor met them full of incomprehension: "as they deliver but even the evidence that we need such laws"

sad result was the attack on student leader Rudi Dutschke, to which it without the agitation and the stir of the Springer press all would have been no likelihood, for how else would someone with the idea, another to murder on the grounds that no Communists like it. This Meinhof was to follow exceeded a limit by which a violent brigade was necessary and, consequently, they are no longer just Journalistic committed. " protest is when I say this or that does not suit me. Resistance is if I make sure that what does not suit me, no longer happens. "

But not only this incredible selection of processes and states within Germany creates an atmosphere for some almost conjured up a commitment to this kind of resistance. Within Europe, the Prague Spring was brutally overrun by tanks, the Americans waged war against a country and especially the civilian population there, that they had done nothing and no one doing anything about it. This tide of current events came a unregenerate, historical heritage.

The mass movement lost with the inauguration of brands and its reforms, its momentum, the fundamental changes were made, however, and the RAF had already embarked on its way and should, despite the ideological justifications, especially in subsequent generations, many innocent victims demand.

If this is now be an idealization, or even the glorification of the first generation of the RAF? No, certainly not. But I want to show that it was with her is a product of the time. And this time is different not particularly strongly from that in which we live today.

So, check out this movie, and as a warning to look at things on both sides may never happen again.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Urethral Stricture Skateboard

Why there is still no peace in the Middle East

For many here with us it's a complete mystery why it is still not succeeded after 60 years to find a solution for the Middle East conflict. I also belong to those that can not understand it. Yesterday Evening however, I found another good example of why under the present circumstances a compromise, and thus a lasting peace, is simply impossible.

I met by chance on an article the Israeli newspaper Ynet news , is reporting on a meeting of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with a delegation of ultra-Orthodox Jewish group Neturei Karta the margins of the UN General Assembly. The very fact that such a meeting takes place at all is already amazing enough, but it goes further. After the interview, the Jewish delegation, Rabbi Weiss is full of praise for Ahmadinejad:

"We know that he is no enemy of the Jews, he has a Jewish community in his country that he honors, defends and supports."


" Ahmadinejad understands how we tell the difference between Judaism and Zionism, "claimed Rabbi Weiss who emphasized that the Iranian president not to bombard ways, Israel, examined.

"Exactly the opposite is the case, he wants peace and not destroy the Jewish nation, which he has explained to us. He is against the Zionist difficulties by the state against the Palestinians be generated, "he said.

If an extract from the original article. Of course, one thing is clear: These ultra-Orthodox group is even anti-Zionist and refers here to a strict interpretation of the Torah, it is proposed that the Jews forbidden to establish a state on the current territory of Israel until the Messiah returns.

This is of course a mere matter of faith that could cause demand to dissolve the state of Israel is indefensible, realpoltisch they do not see anyway for the debate. But the mere fact that this is a dialogue taking place between Jews and an Islamic president shows what possibilities there were, if one would speak only with each other and each other was listening.

These hopes, however, be destroyed very quickly if something more scroll down and begins to read the comments. These are bursting with prior intolerance, stubbornness and fanaticism, and are the best representation of the reasons why must also die after 60 years still innocent people. Instead of grouping them together, I translate you just a few examples:

Eric from Tel Aviv: "Here are two people planning the end of Israel. You should be locked up both the keys should be destroyed, not just hidden, and the door sealed. They are too dangerous as that might allow them to run around freely. "

Moshe from Givataim:" Does anyone have this "spiritual leader" of a brainwashed? I can not believe they really believe this garbage ... It really is incredible ... This Ahmadinejad to call the man who wants peace, ahh yes, he is just an anti-Zionist. People, wake up and start to look up to you, open your eyes and realized that you live in our country. If you are part of us want, then try to behave Sun He wants to kill us and you stand next to us and says, "Well, he is a man who wants peace." Look at the reality or disappear. "

NYC Girl: "Eric # 1: Although I sympathize with your feelings, I think that with an excommunication would like this too well. Each of these fanatics, who lives in Israel and meets with Ahmadinejad should be indicted for treason. It is time to take off the kid gloves when it comes to the treatment of Neturei Karta and other ultra-religious extremists, because they allow the enemies of Israel and for too long a PR victory "

If three commentaries, there are 33 other, in unison to bring the same expression. But that also all quite logical: accusing those who want to talk to "enemies" but for that we have medium-range missiles and fighter planes. On this basis, can be set up really.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Gif Shemale On Female

The mystery of the Marriott attack

Even yesterday evening, the terrible attack on the Marriott-managed hotel in Islamabad in the German media, including the still shocking crater and a direct cover on the empty frame, which was once a luxury hotel.

Each arises because of course the question of who is responsible for something. On the one hand, there are circulating for some time now, rumors of strange aluminum boxes, which were of U.S. marines days earlier, made it into the hotel and that no one was allowed to approach. Because this Pakistan Things are now officially investigated are the most paranoid of more than just spread rumors.

Nevertheless, there are of course already an Islamist group has claimed responsibility for the attacks , but none of the usual suspects. Fedayeen Islam, which means as much as partisans of Islam, is a nationalist, religious group from Iran. This was responsible for the murder of the employed by the British Prime Minister General Ali Razmara in Persia, and thus paving the west of the oil companies hated Mossadeq in 1951 the track. This nationalized the Iranian oil production and was therefore in 1953 with support CIA coup from office. Twelve years later murdered students who are associated with the Fedayeen Islam related, represented Hassan Mansur another Prime Minister who was known for the interests of the oil industry. Additional links may be found here , in the article on prison planet.

Why should commit to an organization that previously was only active in Iran, suddenly come upon the idea of an attack in Pakistan? The very fact that it is also Islamic enough, because I think not, especially now at the same time again that the EU and the IAEA to panic, because Iran allegedly in six months' worth of material a nuclear bomb and would have immediately stood in front of their development.

This smells but begged for a False Flag attack.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How To Adjust Polaris Indy Suspension

The Blog-Die: The EU constable have found a new hangman

After three weeks of rest, there is now Time for a new product, probably much to the surprise of those who believed it was the boundless free-video-dying fell victim. Which is thankfully not so, but I have to rest this project. The reason is simple: the translation of article was very zeitaufwändigund with an hour per side for the filler of the events and the confusion of contradictory information is not easy. That's why I I struggled through this now to soften the original concept and water down and even writing articles.

There were of course a specific cause: I came today to Alex Jone's Prison Planet article on the Daily Telegraph , who convinced me to make this work further.

Our dear parliamentarians of the EU, namely from the anonymous blogs as possible to put an end soon. For fear of abuse of anonymity and dissemination of disinformation.

Some Marianne Mikko from Estonia is concerned that a growing number of blogs of individuals with "malicious Intentions or secret plans "to be used. It therefore recommended that bloggers have to identify in the future and some popular blogs should contain a statement of their intentions. I hear you

Nightingale traps. Even if a decision on the issue of the EU Parliament on Thursday, falling should he not be bound by law, we notice the nasty anonymous bloggers, however, is to go where the train. Because misinformation is again at the end all that pardon by the information ministry, the establishment media, is not said or written. And we could then silence in a perfectly legal way, because who can already like sedition or accuse the like, including a search warrant at dawn.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Power Of Attorney Form To Cash A Check

definition forms of housing

Some Definitions of the various house and apartment types:

detached: single or multi-storey detached house that is for the satisfaction of housing for a family.

two-or multi-family house: single or multi-storey detached house to the satisfaction of housing for two or more families is, the units are separated and the initiation of any residential unit is a separate entrance inside or outside the building.

row house built in composite of several houses in a row the total number of rooms is usually divided between two or more floors. Typical of row houses is also the most successful small garden.

Farmhouse: house with a maximum of 4 units and typical agricultural outbuildings (stables, barns, etc.).

Farmhouse: similar to the farmhouse located in rural areas, but without the typical agricultural outbuildings.

Bungalow: storey house without basement mostly light-weight, which can not be increased.

Villa: Representative house with a large number of rooms (often more bedrooms, bathrooms, etc.).

apartment building: house with several apartments that are rented.

Single dwelling: mostly Small apartment with living room, that the residential requirement covers for one person.

maisonette apartment: an apartment extending over two floors within a building where the entrance to the second floor inside the home is located.

Penthouse: an apartment which is located on the top floor of a building and has a private terrace.

Loft: an apartment in a former factory building was developed and usually no physical separation by walls inside the home added.

My Babys Cheeks Are Red


When Immobilieninseration by brokers more and more platforms are used. Which, of course the advantage is to present its own offer a wider mass but also carries serious drawbacks! Suppose a large real estate brokerage has about 1,000 properties in its portfolio. If he advertised on three platforms it already covers a wide spectrum, assuming it is around platforms with good performance. If now offers the same unlimited real estate broker in the rush of his objects are 30 platforms for customers apparently on a many times more objects to market. Simple calculation: 1000 Real Estate X 3 = 3000 platforms seemingly immovable property - 1000 Real Estate X 30 Platforms = 30 000 seemingly immovable property ! Since
believes appear on different platforms often different photos in the preview of the property seekers in a massive offer that but it does not exist in reality. Thus, for the broker selling more difficult, as the customer receives no more compromise, as are so many homes on the market onehin yes. can

Monday, September 1, 2008

Mr Nonsense T Shirt Singapore

Daily Telegraph uncovered the climate lie

begins today in the UK back to school, including the new subject "Climate Change". Fits to publish the Daily Telegraph , one of the major British newspapers, an article that could change everything. Wake up, you German media!

The "consensus" on climate change is itself a disaster

by Christopher Booker

With more and more into the skyrocketing cost of the measures proposed by politicians to "combat global warming" - as the 45 trillion of U.S. International Energy Council - the "climate change" the most expensive single-issue of the global political agenda.

by the rivalry of Senators Obama and McCain save the leaders of the EU in the promise of 50, 60 and even 80% of CO2 emissions, it is clear that there is a dramatic change in the way we live and a dramatic reduction our standard of living need to achieve even half their imaginary targets.

makes all of this is to know quite important, as our Politicians came to believe that global warming is the greatest challenge facing humanity, and how reliable the evidence for the theory is based on their policies.

By far the greatest importance to the fact that it has made climate change at the top of the global agenda, was the IPCC of the United Nations, established in 1988, not least on the initiative of the Thatcher government. (For this reason, was Sir John Houghton, then the head of the UK Meteorological Office, the first chairman.)

Through a series of reports and international conferences, it was the IPCC which led to the Kyoto Protocol of 1997, which soon an even more ambitious successor will get the next year will be agreed in Copenhagen.

The general opinion of the IPCC is that 2,500 of the leading scientists in the world after they have weighed all the evidence carefully against each other, come to the "consensus" that temperatures will rise catastrophically in the world, and that the only plausible reason the increase of CO2 discharged and others, man-made greenhouse gas content.

In reality, as was in the last 20 years and more obvious - not least because of evidence of a series of scientists who participated in the IPCC itself - what will the reality of this curious Facility not be more of it.

It is not so much a scientific as a political institution. Their task was never to take a sober look at all the evidence for man-made global warming: It has always accepted as an accepted fact.

deals Indeed, in general only a relatively small number of reports with the science of global warming. The majority has to begin to accept the official line, and deals exclusively with the assessment of the impact of global warming and what should be done about it.

In fact, the agenda of the IPCC always strictly by a small group of official controls at its peak. A recent study has shown, of the 53 participants of the key Chapter 9 of the last report, which deals with the simple science (most of them British and Americans, of whom 10 with the Hadley Centre, part of the UK Meteorological Office is the name) are 37 part of a tightly knit network of academics who are all supporters of the official theory of global warming.

says on the basis of their computer models of the IPCC, the warming in the future before.

The last step of the process, before any report is published, the production of a "summary for Policymakers "by the head of the IPCC, to contact the governments.

That's what makes the headlines in the media and what is too often the more cautious and more qualified findings of the contributors to the report itself, pushing the sidelines.

The idea that the IPCC any kind of real, scientific consensus is reflected, is a total invention. Time and time again, there were examples of how evidence was manipulated to support the official line, the infamous "hockey stick" the best known.

had a beginning, the defenders of global warming huge problem. Evidence reported from anywhere in the world to the fact that the earth was hotter 1,000 years ago than it is today. It was generally accepted, so the first two world climate reports included a graph based on work by Sir John Houghton himself, and shows that the temperatures were during soganannten "Mediaeval Warming Period" [Warm phase of the Middle Ages] higher than in the 90s. The problem was that this is a mighty hole in the thesis of the heating only by the recently released CO2 from man broke. Then in 1999 came

an obscure, young physicist from the U.S. named Michael Mann, with a new graph like he was never even had seen before. Instead of the familiar of the rise and fall of temperatures during the last 1000 years, this line ran virtually flat, increasing dramatically only in recent decades, so that a hockey stick-like form emerged, the last decades simply as the hottest on record auswies.

This was exactly what did the IPCC, the medieval warm period had simply disappeared from the records. appeared

When the next report in 2001, Mann's graph was a top position in part, at the top of the front page of the Summary for Policymakers and five more times in the report itself, but then began

two Canadian computer analysts, Steve McIntyre and Ross McKitrick, find out how man had come to this graph. As a man after she brought great difficulties to give them the data, it turned out that he had built into his program an algorithm that produces a hockey stick graph, no matter what the data you enter. Even numbers from a phone book would produce a hockey stick.

the time of his last report, the IPCC had an even bigger problem. Far away, to rise in step with the CO2 levels, such as his computer models had predicted, global temperatures commuted to the abnormally hot 1998 on a lower level, and indeed fell - a trend that was confirmed by the satellite data for NASA during the past 18 months.

The whole thing was so clear that conclude that even scientists who support global warming, now that we can expect through changes in ocean currents, a decade or more of the "cooling off" before the "underlying warming trend" again makes its appearance .

The point is that none of the computer models on which the IPCC relies, was predicted.

In the ever-growing, well-informed criticism in the methods of the IPCC, is a detailed study of the Australian analyst John McLean (found via Google "Prejudiced authors, prejudiced findings"), such as incestuous most members of the core group of academics whose models underpin everything that the Intergovernmental Panel on wants to make believe global warming are interconnected.

The importance of the past year is not just that the vaunted "consensus" about the forces that control our climate, so far has been pushed into the distance like never before, but that even a new "counter-consensus" among thousands has emerged from scientists around the world the last March in the Manhattan Declaration by the so-called "Non-Governmental Penal on Climate Change" was expressed.

has this process of the IPCC back completely, showing how its computer models are biased hopeless on unreliable data are based and are programmed to ignore many of the actual drivers of climate change, from variations in solar activity to cyclical changes in ocean currents.

As Roger Cohen, a physicist who was once involved in the IPCC, and had long accepted his final, is expressed: "I was shocked at how thin the reasoning is. I was also shocked by the behavior of many who had participated in the production of world climate reports, and many who helped to spread it. The special I mean the arrogance, the activities that were intended to prevent discussion, the obvious inventions, and the mindless defense of bogus science, and the politicization of the IPCC process and the scientific process itself "happens

Nevertheless, right now, that while the house of cards wobbles of the IPCC, the politicians of the Western world use it to propose steps that can only damage our way of life beyond any imagination. It

is really time that the "counter-consensus" is taken seriously.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Greek God Allusions In Romeo And Juliet

expertise of brokers

Although there is absolutely legitimate brokers sometimes you doubt the competence of estate agents. The brokerage industry is indeed a licensed trade, which does assume a training and testing, but it is at medium or larger companies usually employees of independent to deal basis. These have their own Gewrbeschein like "agent address or the like.
are now trained in the rule but most of these employees also are these courses about how the male customers at the best makes you to sign. The real lack of competence or there is usually some degree of superficial knowledge, which always leads back to the customers are misinformed or incorrect.

why you should if you ask an estate agent, the professional qualifications of the employee that you care to question. It is best if you are dealing with a broker who has passed the brokers test itself.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Kate Ground Jello Jpg

Detroit: Houses cost as much as a Coke

We learn from the U.S. housing crisis, all by astronomical If depreciation of the banks. But as the whole of reality and look for the people, of whom we learn very little. Which makes this article Detroit News so special:

impact of foreclosures: Houses go for $ 1 off

Detroit - For a dollar you get a large Coke at McDonald's, a used VHS tape at 7-Eleven or a house in Detroit.

The fact that a house was on the east side of town recently listed for $ 1 shows how much the housing market is in one of the poorest cities in the U.S. under pressure.

The sale price of the house may be an anomaly, but illustrates both the depth of the mortgage crisis in Detroit and the rapid decline of the houses in one of the most impoverished neighborhoods of the city.

The house, at 8111 Traverse Street, a few blocks from Detroit City Airport, was the most beautiful house of the block when it was purchased in November 2006 for $ 65,000, said neighbor Carl Upshaw. But the house was last summer, back to the bank, and it was not long until "the Geier arrived, "said Upshaw. "The wall paneling was the first thing that came off. Then they took the fence. Then she collapsed, and took everything with them. "

The company, which had been commissioned to manage the house and sell it, the Bearing Group barricaded the house with boards, only to see that the boards were stolen, to barricade to another, abandoned house nearby.

crooks ripped out the copper pipes, took the furniture and lamps and anything else of value, including the Küchenspühle.

"It makes no sense to throw the family," said Upshaw. "Once the people once away, they will lose the house in the area. "

On Tuesday the house was wide open. The doors leading into the kitchen and the basement were missing, and the windows on the front had been smashed. The grass grew up to chest height, and charred remains marked the spot was at the recently burned the garage. came

When the house in January for $ 1,100 in the market, it had no other prospects than the squatters who stayed there for maybe one night. Faced with a tax debt of $ 4000 and a high level of unpaid water bills, reduced the bank, which owned the property, the price to $ 1

The sale for $ 1 costs the bank $ 10,000

While a price of $ 1 is not unusual when property is transferred for legal reasons, it was Colpaert for Kent, the real estate agent, surprising and unsettling, it lists for $ 1 at various points.

"I've never seen a house that was listed for $ 1," Colpaert said.

"But it was hit hard, it's nurmehr a bowl."

On Tuesday, listed another house, a detached house and a vacant lot for every $ 1 in Detroit.

sales for a dollar, the financial Stemming from the mortgage crisis, said Anthony Viola of Realty Corp.. of America in Cleveland.

lenders that unqualified buyers during the peak of the subprime market gave loans now find themselves as owners of whole neighborhoods back empty, dilapidated houses.

"No one has much sympathy for these banks, the subprime lending," said Viola. "And in some cities like Cleveland, let the judges not on these estates sit -. They order them to demolish the houses or sell"

The bank, which had 8111 Traverse Street, was so desperate for the property to get rid of that they agreed $ 2.500 commission fee and pay another $ 1000 for the completion of the $ 1 sale, the bank also will pay $ 500 of the buyer's expense. There are also tax bill and water bill, and get rid of the house, the bank will cost about $ 10,000.

"It makes no sense to pay some neighborhoods continue to cost about costs," Colpaert said. "It may make more financial sense to give it away."

Buyer calls it an investment Colpaert

refused to name the name of the prospective buyer, because the business was not yet complete. The broker said the buyer had agreed to pay the full list price of $ 1 and plans to pay cash.

The buyer, a local woman sees the house as an investment and will not live there, Colpaert said, though it is uncertain how quickly the investment of $ 1 pays for the buyer. Replacing the installations of the house will cost ten thousand dollars, and the owner will have problems that deter looters stealing the improvements as soon as they are installed. The demolition costs $ 5,000, Colpaert said.

same time, the new owner $ 2,009 will have to pay 3900 property tax, unless they arraigns the decision.

While it is unusual is that homes are sold for a change, which most people find in their couch crack, sold some abandoned houses in Detroit for $ 100; empty land can be bought for $ 300.

"My 14-year-old son could buy a whole block in Detroit," said Ann Laciura of the Bearing Group.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

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Mikhail Gorbachev over the Caucasus and the risks of geopolitical games

The last president of the USSR is considered a friend of the West, but even he finds in the Washington Post clear word for the events in the Caucasus. He points to a possible solution to the conflict and warned against further while the U.S., geopolitical Games:

A path to peace in Kaucasus

By Mikhail Gorbachev

Moscow - The events of the last week in South Ossetia have shocked everyone and torture. There are already thousands of people died, tens of thousands of refugees were to lie and towns and villages in ruins. Nothing can justify this loss of life and this destruction. This is a warning to all.

The roots of this tragedy lie in the decision of the separatist leaders of Georgia, 1991 South abolish Ossetian autonomy. This turned out to be a time bomb for Georgia's territorial integrity. Each time successive leaders tried their will - both in South Ossetia and in Abkhazia, where the problem of autonomy is the same - to impose by force, this situation only made worse. New wounds tore open old wounds.

Nevertheless, it was still possible to find a political solution. For some time, relative calm prevailed in South Ossetia. The peacekeeping force composed of Russians, Georgians and South Ossetians fulfilled its mission, and ordinary Ossetians and Georgians, the closely together live, at least found some common ground.

During all these years, Russia recognized Georgia's territorial integrity to continue. Clearly, the only way to solve the South Ossetian problem on the basis of peaceful means. In fact, there are a civilized world in general no other way.

The Georgian leadership violated this fundamental principle.

What in the night of 7 August happened is absolutely incomprehensible. The Georgian military attacked the South Ossetian capital Tshkihinvali with multiple rocket launchers, which are designed to devastate large areas. Russia had to respond. Accuse it of aggression against "small, defenseless Georgia" is not just hypocritical but shows a lack of humanity.

carry out a military assault against innocents was a brainless decision whose tragic consequences for thousands of people of different nationalities are now obvious. The Georgian leadership could support it only under the impression of a stronger power, and encouraged to be done. The Georgian army was trained by hundreds of American trainers and their sophisticated equipment was purchased in several countries. This, coupled with the promise of NATO membership, brought the Georgian leader to believe that they would like a blitzkrieg in South Ossetia.

In other words, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili expecting unconditional support from the West and the West gave him reason to believe that. Now that the Georgian attack was beaten back, both the Georgian government and its supporters to reconsider their positions.

The hostilities should be suspended as soon as possible and urgent steps must be taken to help the victims. It is equally important to consider a resolution of the underlying problem, which is one of the most painful and challenging the Caucasus - a region that should be approached with great caution. flared

When the problems in South Ossetia and Abkhazia, I suggested that they be solved through a federation that would secure the two republics, a high degree of independence. This proposal was rejected, particularly by the Georgians. The setting was changing slowly, but after this week, it will be much more difficult to find a compromise, even on such a basis.

old lawsuits are a heavy burden. The healing is a lengthy process that requires patience and dialogue, with the abandonment of violence as a prerequisite. It took decades to end similar conflicts in Europe and elsewhere, and other longer-term issues still smolder. In addition to patience, this situation calls for more wisdom.

The small nations of the Caucasus have a history of living together. It was shown that lasting peace is possible, that tolerance and cooperation can create conditions for a normal life and normal development. Nothing is more important than that

The leaders of the region need to recognize that. Instead of playing with the military muscle, they should strengthen their efforts building a foundation for a lasting peace dedicate.

In recent years, some Western nations relative positions, particularly in the Security Council of the UN, which were far from being balanced. In consequence, it was the Security Council unable to act even at the outbreak of this conflict effectively. While she is away the Caucasus, a region that is thousands of miles from the American continent, to an area of "national interest", the U.S. made a serious mistake. Of course, peace in the Caucasus is in everyone's interest. But a simple, common sense says that Russia there through a joint Geography and centuries of history is deeply rooted. Russia has no territorial expansion, but it has legitimate interests in this region.

The long-term objective of the international community might be to create a regional system of security and cooperation, the provocation and the sheer possibility of such a conflict makes this impossible. to create such a system would be a challenge and could be achieved with the cooperation of the countries of the region itself. Nations outside the region could perhaps help - but only if they receive a fair and objective position. One lesson of recent events is that geopolitical games are dangerous anywhere, not just in the Caucasus.

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Cheney: "Russian aggression must not go unanswered"

Given their interest in a continuation of their puppet government in Tbilisi and Georgia joining Nato, puts the U.S. government but a very biased view of the Caucasian war of the day. This is reflected in a opinion the Vice-Presidents:

Cheney: "Do not Russian aggression remain unanswered"

Beijing (Reuters) - Vice President Dick Cheney called Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili on to him against the solidarity of the United States bring the conflict with Russia expressed and told him that "Russian aggression must not go unanswered." said the Office of the Vice-President on Monday.

"The vice president brought the solidarity of the United States with the Georgian people and their democratically elected government in the face of threats to the independence of Georgia and its territorial integrity of expression." Cheney's office said in a statement.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

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U.S. move on troops in the Persian Gulf together

The Israeli news site DEBKAfile is known for its sometimes questionable connections to military and intelligence circles, but it seems very often to correct lie. After her information regarding the combat units that move the U.S. at the moment to the Persian Gulf, have appeared elsewhere already, I will not hide from you:

Three large attack formations of the Navy for this week in the Persian Gulf expected

DEBKAfile's military sources say that the arrival of three American flotilla, the number of U.S. combat units in the waters of the Middle East increased to 5 - one since the outbreak of the crisis over Iran's nuclear program has not yet seen accumulation.

The huge naval and air force consists of more than 40 aircraft carriers, warships and submarines, some of the latter are equipped with nuclear weapons. Such a concentration was last seen just before the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Our military source called 5 reasons for this muscle-flexing of the Americans.

  1. The U.S., supported by France, Britain and Canada make their preparations for a partial blockade of Iran managed to prevent the import of gasoline and other refined oil products. This action would indicate that the Bush government has to give up in terms of tougher UN sanctions and now even the scepter in his hand increases.
  2. Iran, which imports 40% of its refined gasoline from neighboring countries, is practicing for the blockade of retaliation by the Strait of Hormuz closes down. In this case, are available, the American Navy and Air Force to open the road again, and the Iranian attempt to break through the blockade to fight back.
  3. Washington dispatched forces to support and insurance for a probable Israeli air strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.
  4. A possible rapid sequence of events in which a US-led blockade, Israeli attack and Iranian retaliation in very short time a major military crisis trigger.
  5. Since a massive redeployment of this type of planning and needs, can not by their appearance flare-up of the Caucasus war between Russia and Georgia are separated. While Russia has tightened its grip on the Caspian oil resources by its overwhelming military intervention against Georgia, the Americans invest their power to defend the large oil reserves of the Persian Gulf.

The military sources of DEBKAfile called the USS Theodore Roosevelt, the USS Ronald Reagan and the USS Iwo Jima as the three battle groups that are on the way to the Gulf. Already in position, the USS Abraham Lincoln in the Arabian Sea to the Iranian coast and the USS Peleliu, which crosses the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

Maxine Cartoons About Sisters

Bush undermined the protection of species from - the climate, thank

Oh, and what can be done with reference to the climate for great things. For example, the protection of species and undermine the ban in Bedeuntungslosigkeit because the existing rules now do with the climate much too complicated. And anyway, they were always a nuisance. In a remarkably open way this can be read at msnbc :

Bush wants to loosen species protection laws

plan includes scientists from the decision about the situation of a species from

Washington - The Bush administration said Monday it plans to let federal authorities ends in the future decide for themselves whether harm highways, dams, mines and other construction projects endangered animals and plants could.

The proposal, which does not require the approval of Congress would be performed the required independent opinion, the government scientists over the past 35 years have reduced. Developers welcome the plan, while environmentalists deride him. Minister of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne

said late Monday the changes would be necessary to ensure that the Endangered Species Act [ESA] will not be used as a back door to regulate the gases blamed for global warming. In May, the polar bear, the first kind, because of global warming classified as threatened. It is expected that rising temperatures, the sea ice from which the survival of the bear depends on bringing to melt.

"These changes are intended to reduce the number of unnecessary consultations under the ESA so that more time and resources to protect the most vulnerable species may be paid," the Interior Ministry said in its announcement.

"The existing regulations create unnecessary conflicts and delays," Kempthorne added. "The proposed legislation will continue to protect species while focusing the consultation process and to the actions of federal agencies, for which possible consequences could be related to these actions in connection, and it seems reasonable that these self-assured. The result should be a process that is less time-consuming and more effective use of our resources. "

The federal bill would deter the emissions from projects that contribute to global warming and its effect on species and habitats to assess.

The Interior Ministry's current decision on the polar bear as an example. While polar bears are classified as due to the melting of their Meereseislebensraums as endangered, it argues that scientists "can make a direct causal link between greenhouse gas emissions and distant observations of one influences that affect a kind," at this time no.

"Therefore it is inappropriate to advise a distant authority in respect of an action that releases emissions, since it is not possible, emissions with influences to a certain species, such as polar bears, something to do, "was announced by the Ministry.

Kempthorne has instead asked the legislature to get involved in any specific act on climate change, instead of the species protection law, which dates back to 1973.

biggest overhaul since 1988

The changes represent the biggest overhaul of the Endangered Species Act since 1988; they do would be full of rules that complement what they have not reached the conservative Republicans in Congress: Stop Some environmental reports, property developers and authorities for delays and cost increases on many projects to blame.

The changes would apply to any project financed a federal agency that built or approved. Experts from the government to produce these reports on time, tens of thousands every year.

"If they would become effective, the amendments, the safety net of habitat protection, on which we rely to protect endangered fish, animal and plant species in the last 35 years and to restore to seriously weaken it." Said John Kosyack, executive director of the National Wildlife Federation's Wildlife Conservation and Global Warming initiative.

"The new rules take decision-making on the inclusion of vulnerable Species from the hands of scientists and experts in federal agencies like the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services and give them instead authorities to work on projects that could be affected by a negative absorption, "added Carl Pope, director of the Sierra Club.

Under the current law must be federal with experts of the Fish and Wildlife Service or to advise the National Marine Fisheries Service to determine whether a project affects an endangered species or damage the habitat, even if damage seems unlikely. These initial reports usually results in concessions that the 1353 animals and plants in the USA are classified as endangered, protects better, and decide whether a more formal analysis is appropriate.

design: Authorities have said knowledge

The Ministry of Interior that such consultations are no longer necessary because federal agencies have acquired their own knowledge, and examine their own building projects themselves, the 30-page draft shows.

"We believe that the federal agencies will stay with those provisions on the safe side." Says the draft.

The Head of the Fish and Wildlife Service, H. Dale Hall, said the changes would help skills to focus on projects that have serious consequences for species. "We try to be more efficient, which means to make any discussions that have a difference to the kind of episode." Said Hall.

"We are not good stewards of our resources.", He added, "if we require advice in situations where the possible effects on a species either unlikely to properly classify or exclusively beneficial, or only a remote risk for the risk of a species or habitat bring. "

The draft is subject to a 30-day public discussion before Ministry of Interior completed, whereby the government will have enough time to implement it even before the presidential elections. A new administration could freeze any still pending arrangements to exploiting or withdraw, a process that could take months. Congress also could overturn the rules through a law, but that could take even longer.

The draft was drawn up by lawyers most of the Main Committee of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce and the Interior Ministry, a source at the National Marine Fisheries Service, according to. The experts of the two authorities were involved only in the last week, the official said.

conducted between 1998 and 2002 by the Fish and Wildlife Service 300 000 consultations. The National Marine Fisheries Service, which evaluates projects that relate to marine life, establish each year, about 1.300 appraisals.

The reports helped species like the bald eagle, Florida panther and Whooping Cranes to protect. A handbook of the Federal Government in 1998 describes the consultations as "some of the most valuable and powerful tools to get recorded species.

The for and against changes

In recent years, but complained of some federal agencies and private developers, that the process in delays and increased construction costs resulting.

"We always had concerns with regard to the need of adjusting and improving the administration of the process," said Joe Nelson, a lawyer for the National Endangered Species Act Reform Coalition, a community of interest to builders and the paper and farming industry.

Senator Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., Chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee, described the proposed changes illegal.

"The proposed regulation is another in a continuous stream of proposals to cut short the characteristic of our environmental laws through the back door to, "she said. "If this proposed rule was in force, they would have our ways to save the bald eagle, the grizzly bear and the gray whale undermined.

The Bush administration and Congress have attempted with mixed success to change the law.

adopted in 2003, the government similar rules that would have allowed authorities to approve new pesticides and projects to reduce fire risk without regard to question the opinion of scientists of the risk of endangered species or habitats. The pesticide regulation was later overturned in court. The Ministry of Interior and the Forest Service are at the moment because the scheme sued for forest fire prevention. would

2005 Congress passed a law that made similar changes to the ESA, but this failed in the Senate.

The initiator of this law, Richard Pobo, R-Calif., The AP said on Monday that it will harm any species and any habitat that public authorities must assess the impact of their projects themselves.

"No way they can rubber stamp everything because they will end up in court for every decision," he said.

But internal investigations by the National Marine Fisheries Service and Fish and Wildlife Service to conclude that about Half of all unilateral evaluations by the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management, the measures for forest fire prevention and safe for classifying protected species either were not legally or scientifically valid.

These were among the changes approved by 2003rd

"This is the fox guarding the hen house. The interests of agencies will outweigh the interests of the species. "Said Eric Glitzenstein, the lawyer, the environmental groups in the trial of the regulations is of forest fire prevention. "What the plan, the Endangered Species Act is to make meaningless."

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Electrocuted Heart Palpitations

War between Russia and Georgia of the United States staged

The war between Russia and Georgia came as a surprise to most, was for those who had beobachtetet is happening for some time, but obvious. I find it very interesting, all the time from the Russian point of view to consider. This allows the Pravda, which has already found the culprit: the United States.

The war between Russia and Georgia is the U.S. government staged

The U.S. is pushing for an immediate ceasefire in the conflict between Russia and Georgia over the unrecognized republic of South Ossetia.

believe the same Russian officials that it was the U.S. that the current conflict have staged. The chairman of the Duma Committee for Security, Vladimir Vasilyev believes that the current conflict in South Ossetia, the wars in Iraq and Kosovo are very similar.

"The things that happened in Kosovo, the things that happened in Iraq - we now follow the same path. The further the situation unfolds, the more the world will understand that Georgia would never to able to do all this without America. Officials of the South Ossetian Defense Ministry spoke of imminent aggression of Georgia, but the latter denied all while the U.S. State Department to gave no comment. In essence, they were the ones that have power that destroys everything in South Ossetia, attacks civilians and hospitals equipped. It is your responsibility. The world community will learn of it, "the official said.

Meanwhile it was announced that Georgian troops several South Ossetian settlements, with a barrage, and so occupied the homes of people just went to the ground.

"The number of victims, including women, children and old people, goes into the hundreds and even thousands.", Said a source from the South Ossetian government in the capital Tskhinvali.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters that Georgia's actions in South Ossetia its survival as a state and as a responsible member of the international community into question, reports Interfax.

"civilians, including women, children and old people die in South Ossetia. In addition, leads Georgia by ethnic cleansing in South Ossetian villages. The situation in South Ossetia continues to worsen hour by hour. Georgia uses military hardware and heavy weapons against humans. They bombard residential areas of Tskhinvali [the capital] and other settlements. They bomb the humanitarian convoys. The number of refugees continues to rise - the people are trying their lives, the lives of their children and relatives to save. A humanitarian disaster is looming. "Said Russia's foreign minister.

The Minister added that the Georgian leadership the request of the UN Security Council to respect the Olympic Truce, ignored.

"The Georgian government has found a use for the weapons that they bought in the last seven years," said Lavrov. "The fact that Georgian troops have opened in the joint peacekeeping troops fire on their Russian comrades from one and the same contingent speaks for itself, I think." Added the minister.

"It is now clear why Georgia never Russia's offer of a legally binding non-violence for the solution of the South Ossetia conflict has been received. "Lavrov said. "Not too long ago, before the military actions in South Ossetia, Georgian President Saakashvili said that such a document was not necessary, because Georgia would never use force against its population. Now it is doing this but. "Sergei Lavrov said.

Segei Lavrov believes that the international community should cease to turn a blind eye to Georgia's arms purchases.

"We have repeatedly warned that the international community, the eyes before the massive close to purchases of offensive weapons, in which the Georgian government was involved in the last two years. "Lavrov said.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Cute Optimist Sailboats

a break ...

Dear Reader,

as Freeman of stale smoke lund it so beautifully said, must be able to just switch it off again. For this reason, I treat myself to the end of the week a little break in the absolute solitude, without the internet.
I just hope that happens this time too much and I can not trust the good old summer slump.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sansa Wireless Headphones

Climate change is the new religion

I was asked why the masses of the population of the fantasies of global warming simply accepted so unconditionally, accepts everything, what is set before her with that argument, and it feels good, too tortured a long time. So far I had only pushed to the propaganda, but Allan Taylor has a different explanation. Climate change is the new religion, with astonishing bonds of centuries proven sadism of the Catholic Church.

Why do so many people believe in catastrophic global warming?

That's a good question. The reason is that global warming is the new modern religion of Western democracies. The presence in the Christian churches has long been declining and global warming has filled the gap after the propaganda of the media has on their presumed catastrophic effects on the environment, is pushing the world and made Americans into a panic.

This new green eco-religion is like a wolf in sheep's clothing and just as dangerous. Unchecked, they could in the decline of Western civilization as we know it end today. Or should I say yesterday, after some governments already very ill-advised climate policy, which are derived from an unscientific green faith, have been implemented.

Every religion or belief system, a cane or propaganda to the unsuspecting public to bring to their course. The Christian churches preaching of "hell fire and brimstone" to their believers to control. The Communists promoted the idea of the "depravity of Western capitalism," and now the new green eco-religion is the "catastrophic global warming" have to freeze all the blood in his veins.

The whole thing is heated up by the media, television, radio, newspapers, I suspect mainly because they are always under pressure to fill the message with anything resembling even the remotest idea whether any confirmation was or does not exist. In such a competition-oriented Business can not separate the wheat from the chaff media and rely on the audience to do that.

mixed to lower this error in addition, the bias of the media that they can not report "politically incorrect" views. Here, the owner or manager of the corporate media a position towards certain issues, and limit the coverage to give their belief system and pumping up an advantage to it. So viewers and listeners, give heed! Nevertheless, the Western media imperfect system is better than a fully controlled by the government, God forbid! More on this subject in the sources.

Global warming and climate change are the most misunderstood subjects today. They seem to have been made deliberately confusing the media and the environmental movement. Much of the green philosophy of a cleaner world, from energy conservation and waste reduction reasonable, even admirable, and I support many of their efforts to do that, but I prefer as the final stroke, where non-scientific factors (= cheese) and witchcraft used be to support any idealistic theory that will lead us into an economic disaster and in an alleged "green utopia". Such a task is different in principle do not have in the past, when a communist or fascist fanatical groups of which the world wanted.

Climate change is not a new phenomenon. It has always accompanied (at least 4 billion years) and will be with us forever. We are lucky to live in this dynamic planet Earth. Human beings have only been here the last few thousand years! And no amount of draconian government policies on the CO2 trading or a CO2 tax, as now proposed, will bring even the slightest change in climate change or global warming, because the natural phenomena, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis and Hurricanes . In other Words, give the CO2 in the atmosphere is not the fault of natural events over which we have puny human beings can not control. Nature rules the world!

Can we stop global warming? Out to us in an overheated world and environmental disaster? I'm sorry, NO, in both cases, witchcraft not help.

The global warming is not a new phenomenon and, together with the global slowdown, she became part of climate change. Recent scientific observations indicate that global warming is not currently taking place (even during the last decade and during the last 100 years only by 0.7 ° C). It is not triggered by menschengemachtem CO2, or the result of the observed increase in CO2 concentration in the air, rather the opposite. has words whenever been a significant global warming in the past, it has been "outgassing" of the oceans and rocks, resulting in an increase of CO2 concentration resulted in the atmosphere, with a time delay of 500 to 800 years (1). So much for Al Gore's unscientific and panic brochure Santander documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" won an Oscar in 2007 and got together with the IPCC the Nobel Peace Prize. What a Verarschung of the original Nobel prize system.

Another monumental building Chung was the decision of the Supreme Court [U.S. Supreme Court] of 2 April 2007, stating that CO2 is a pollutant under the Clean Act Air. It was a close decision, but more political than scientific. Since then there has been a real boost to the uncontrolled hunt for CO2, which is responsible for ensuring that as many people believe in global warming. Nothing could be further from the truth!

The CO2 in the atmosphere, which makes up just 385 ppm in the global average, is an essential, life-giving substance to our biosphere. The fact that it slowly increases by 1 to 2 ppm per year is not something you need to worry and it is a good thing, as many say scientists (2). How can they say that? Well, the CO2 level was 100 years is estimated at 290 ppm and then everything was good. Since 1908 was an obvious increase of almost 100 ppm measured and nothing terrible has happened to the world, ie there was no resolution of the coral reefs and no rise in sea level as they could not be witnessed in the 100 years before. What is important is the fact that the change had remarkable positive effects on the biosphere and humanity.

The growth rate of crops and forests has increased considerably and now we can (almost) 6.6 billion people, instead of the 1.5 billion in 1908, lived on earth feed. Vegetable growers usually use an artificially controlled atmosphere ppm with a CO2 content of 900 in their greenhouses to the growth rate of their plants to increase by 40%. We need more CO2 in the atmosphere, no less.

Many closed rooms and lecture halls bring it level of 1000 ppm, without being noticed by people, but it is loved by plants. In any case, the CO2 in the atmosphere is a pollutant, and we eat (bread) and drink it (beer, champagne), breathe it and enjoy it.

Long live the CO2 and down with the Supreme Court

sources of reliable information about climate change:

(1) David Evans "No Smoking Hot Spots" in "The Australian", 18th July 2008. Evans is a computer scientist who has worked for 6 years for the Australian Greenhouse Office. He concludes "there is no evidence to support the idea that CO2 emissions cause a significant climate change. Not one. "To read this article just for" David Evans, climate change, Australia "google [or for translated excerpts click here]

(2) you google "Theune Institute, Germany. Scientists report "CO2, the gas some see as a threat is actually the key to life on Earth." Similarly, the scientific work, "The Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide" by AB Robinson found via Google "Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine"

The major TV and radio news channels (BBC, DW, ABC , CNN and others) are just a propaganda tool for the global warming and promote renewable energies, emissions trading and other Diversion. Only very rarely and then only very reluctantly, they will send something that is contrary to this belief system (eg the British documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle ").


Saturday, August 2, 2008

North Face Breast Cancer Awareness Denali

Well-known columnist declared war drivers war

Joe Klein, the well-known and some circles Inconvenient Time magazine columnist has now chosen a particularly powerful enemy . And that's just because he has put the warmongers clean a lobby group in the light of day.

If extremists attack

I is now recognized as anti-Semitic and intellectually unstable and a whole bunch of other things from the people over at the Commentary blog insulted. They want Time Magazine to silence me or fire. This is because I said something that is clearly true, unspoken but in polite society: There is a small group of Jewish neo-conservatives in the 90s have tried without success to get Benjamin Netanyahu to Saddam Hussein to attack and have helped to be successful here, the intellectual rationale for George Bush to do that in 2003, have delivered. Their motivation includes a confused amalgamation of what they think that Israel's supreme Interests and those of the United States. Now they lead the charge for war with Iran.

Fortunately, these people represent a very small fraction of the Jewish population in this country. Unfortunately, their views strongly influence the way up into the highest circles of the Bush government have - and they also seem to influence the campaign of John McCain have. Fortunately, the Bush administration seems to be more interested in negotiating with the Iranians than to attack them - and according to my Israeli friends, the Israelis do anything irrational. I remain proud of my Jewish heritage, a strong supporter Israel and a realist with respect related to the small chance, in common with the Iranians. But I'm not willing to grant these ideologues the anonymity under which they aspire.

early 2003, during my first weeks as a columnist for Time magazine, I wrote a handful of skeptical columns on the coming war in Iraq, including this about Israel's security as a hidden issue. Then, with the troops in position and just before the outbreak of the war, I said something stupid on Tim Russert show on cable TV - I reluctantly said ok, we should continue with the attack. That was the only statement that I made in favor of the war and I came quickly to his senses - but that's no excuse. We have lost more than 4,000 Americans, tens of thousands coming home wounded, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were killed and wounded, and we are as a result of the war, less obvious and morally.

I will make the same mistake a second time. I do not think a war with Iran is coming, thank God, but this time I will not move his head. My voice is not particularly important in the great game of things, but I will do my job - and let the hießt, you know exactly where I stand and what I believe.

I think that there is a small group of Jewish neoconservatives there who want a war with Iran because they believe that the long term is in America's interest, and because they believe that Israel's existence is in danger. You are wrong and recent history shows us that they are dangerous. And besides, they are also bullies and I will not be intimidated by them.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Urologist For Genital Warts

loan banks under pressure to record amounts from the Fed

have sometimes even quite useful portals such as Yahoo News, as in this case . The American banks are still suffering from under financial constraints, as shown by some figures from the Fed. Inaccurate translations I apologize, the Americans have things that are so in the form we are not at there, and we therefore have no name.

borrow under pressure banks to record amounts from Fed

New York (Reuters) - loan banks in the last weeks record amounts from the Fed, as now a year-long credit crisis, continued its toll, while the commercial paper market [market for short-term bonds] continues to shrink, signaling hard times for borrowers of short-term loans.

The Primary Credit [main refinancing operation] of banks reached last week an average of 17.45 billion dollars per day, which they 16.38 billion for the week was the second consecutive week earlier record. The Fed data showed on Thursday.

"This shows that there is a lack of liquidity in the system," said Christopher Low, chief economist at FTN Financial in New York.

The Secondary Credit [marginal lending business], which is usually taken by banks claim that need money quickly rose from 34 million to 89 million dollars in the last week. Although these numbers are still very small compared to the main refinancing operation, "says the one that there is an increasing number of banks that the Fed referred to as unsound or capitalized too low," said Low.

analysts will be watching the marginal lending business just as the efforts of regional and smaller banks in the U.S., the further decline in house prices and the rise of foreclosures and bad loans of the difficulties of the banking sector for many months, or worse even years continue to be.

Some analysts write the general increase in demand for short-term "window discounts" to refinance the Fed a mixture of factors.

"I'm sure there are troubled banks in difficulties, the attempts to pump the window system," said Michael Feroli, economist at JPMorgan in New York. But He added: "More and more banks are trying to take advantage of the pure economic advantage of being able to borrow at low interest rates to move, and you see a slow fading away of the stigma, the use of discount window."

The interest rate the Fed for the discount window is 2.25%.

the same time, the market for short-term loans, a vital source of short-term funding for daily operations of many companies, last week declined from 1.744 trillion to $ 1.728 trillion dollars - that is a loss of $ 16 billion.

"The panic of last year is over. It is now ordered, But is the financial pressure and it will be more trouble, "said John Canavan, market analyst at research company Stone & McCarthy in Princeton, New Jersey.

Part of the general decline can be "asset-backed commercial paper [plant covered bonds], a sub-region, the slip off the mortgage and real estate prices has been undermined, are attributed.


Thursday, July 31, 2008

Orlando Glory Holes 2010

So a nuclear strike against Iran is acceptable made

well known, makes Israel the most pressure on the U.S. to act against Iran. What a perverse level has reached and how the U.S. media be used, also a Nuclear strike to pass off as acceptable, says Professor James Petras :

The New York Times nuclear annihilation makes acceptable

On 18 July 2008, the New York Time an article by Israeli-Jewish historian Professor Benny Morris, an Israeli attack on Iran with the great likelihood of a nuclear genocide on 70 million Iranians - 12 times as many as the Jewish victims of the Nazis in the Holocaust - defended:

"Iran's leaders would do well to rethink their game and their nuclear program suspend. If they refuse to, so the best they can hope to, that a conventional air attack by Israel destroyed their nuclear facilities. Certainly it means thousands of Iranian victims and international humiliation. But the alternative is an Iran turned into a nuclear desert. "

Morris is a frequent speaker and is a consultant for the Israeli political and military establishment and has unique access to the strategists of the Israeli military. Morris defense and public support for the brutal expulsion of the Palestinians is commonly known. Still do not have it because his genocidal views prevented to get several academic awards. His writings and views are printed in Israel's leading newspapers and magazines. Morris views are not the empty rhetoric of an insignificant psychopaths, as seen from the recent publication of his open letter in The New York Times.

says What the publication of an article in The New York Times, calling for the nuclear incineration of 70 million Iranians and the contamination of a large part of the one billion people of the Middle East, Asia and Europe, about American politics and culture? It is the NYT, which informs the 'educated classes' in the U.S., with its Sunday supplements, the literature section and the editorial serves as a "moral conscience" of key parts of culture, business and political elite.

The New York Times provides a certain respectability to mass murder, which Morris had views not otherwise possessed, she had appeared in neo-conservative weekly or monthly magazines. The fact that the NYT the prospect of an Israeli mass extermination of millions of Iranians part of the political debate in the Middle East look shows how much influence the Zionist fascism 'higher' cultural and journalistic circles in the United States. It is the truth that this is the logical outgrowth of the public affirmation of economic blockade of 1.4 million Palestinians in Gaza with the aim to starve them and the concealment of the influence of the Israeli-Zionist AIPAC at the start of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, were killed in result of which more than one million Iraqis, by the Times .

The Times sets the tone for the whole cultural scene in New York, which privileges the interests of Israel as far as that not only the regular violations of international law but also the threats, specifically the promise of large parts of the world in the race to burn for regional hegemony, seamlessly integrated into the discourse of American foreign policy. The willingness of the NYT, a to publish Israeli defender of genocide, shows us how strong the links between a, as they say, "liberal" pro-Israel publication and the totalitarianism of the Israeli right are: It is like saying that the liberal, pro- Israeli establishment, the non-Jewish Nazis are beyond any limit, but the views and policies of the Zionist fascists need close review and may also apply.

Morris article in the New York Times broke no objections from the 52 presidents of major American Jewish organizations (PMAJO) because its daily news bulletin, Daily Alert, published regular articles by Israeli and American Zionists who advocated an Israeli or American nuclear strike against Iran. In other words, Morris totalitarian views are part of the cultural matrix that is embedded deep in the Zionist organizational networks and their extensions into the broad cultural and political circles in the U.S.. What the Times has reached with the pressure of Morris Madness is the discourse on the genocide of the limited environment of the Zionists out to have moved into the mainstream of millions of American readers.

Apart from a handful of writers (not Jewish, and Jewish), to publish insignificant sites, there was no political or moral condemnation of this insult to our humanity from the entire literary, political and journalistic world. No attempt was made to Morris totalitarian, genocidal policies with Israel's public threats and preparations for a nuclear War. There is no anti-nuclear movement, led by our most influential intellectuals, to reject the state (Israel) and the intellectuals of his public, prepare a nuclear war, with the potential to ten times the Jewish victims of the Nazis were slain, destroy.

The nuclear incineration of Iran is the Israeli counterpart of Hitler's gas chambers and crematoria. Eradication is the last stage of Zionism: accept the doctrine of rule or ruin the air and the country in the world. This is the direct message of Benny Morris (and his official Israeli sponsors), the place, like Hitler, ultimatums to the Iranians, "to surrender or you will be destroyed" and the U.S. threaten to "help us to bomb Iran or see a global environmental and economic disaster against.

Morris This is without question, completely, totally insane and medically. The New York Times shows with the release his genocidal hatred, such as power and wealth to the expiration of the Jewish intellectual and cultural life in the U.S. have helped. To understand the dimensions of this decline, we need only the brilliant, tragic-comic, German-Jewish writer Walter Benjamin, who fled in despair before the progressive and totalitarian Nazi terror, with Benny Morris criminal defense of Zionist nuclear terror in the New York Times to compare.

The question of the power of Zionism in America is not only a question of a "lobby", the decisions of Congress and the White House on development aid to Israel affected. Today is about the related Questions on the defense of a nuclear war in which 70 million Iranians look forward to its destruction and the complicity of the American media, as a platform, no create a certain political respectability for mass murder and global contamination.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Temporary Employment Template

speculators to claw the food supply

The ever-popular locusts hit in the U.S. again. As the George Washington Blog know it is this time not to single, large company. No, it's about the most basic human need: food.

speculators try to buy control of the food supply

According to the New York Times, Financial Times and other now, hedge funds and other investors farms, farmland, fertilizer, threshing, loading and other things needed for the production of food.

In view of the decline of real estate and financial sector and the weakness of the U.S. economy are big investors came to the former, that everyone has to eat and so that food production is a sure thing. This means that speculators will drive up food prices further up.

Jim Hightower puts it:

have "with" my infrastructure, "they take control of the food in the hands of financial manipulation to centralize, which want to reap only one thing: fat profits.

The price? Aha! That is all that's what the consolidation of farms and storage goes. If you can limit the production and inventories store - then you can drive up prices. When corn prices are lower than investors want them, then you simply store the corn, forcing up prices. Or if the corn prices are low in the U.S., then shipped to him just in Japan or somewhere else, where prices are higher. And if these disturbances trigger a collapse of the food industry? Hey, the speculators will already have billions of profits drawn from it and just to see after the next hot investment.

Hedge funds bring nothing but greed and grief to the agriculture and our food supply, and it should be forbidden "to have infrastructure."

Hightower may be right: we should ask the Congress to deter speculators to buy up a basic needs.

also strengthens my conviction that we should have guaranteed access to affordable and healthy food.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How Do I Find Out What Kind Of Pool Table I Have

negotiations with Iran only a pretext?

caused a great stir there last week that the U.S. has for the first time sent a senior diplomat to talks with Iran. Yaakov Katz now reports in the Jerusalem Post that we were celebrating too early, and perhaps still is anything but a turnaround is. More like a smart move.

government officials: U.S. talk to Iran of an attack to legitimize

The last talks, the U.S. has done with Iran, aim at a justification for a possible attack on to create Iranian nuclear facilities, the Ministry of Defence officials speculated on Sunday, as defense minister Ehud Barack to Washington for talks with senior government members departed.

Blackburn will travel to Washington and New York and hold talks with his counterpart Robert Gates, Vice-President Dick Cheney, Chief of Staff Admiral Michael Mullen, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley.

said government officials, it was likely that President Bush attend the meeting between Barack and Hadley would. On Wednesday, Barack will be flying at a brief meeting with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to New York.

Barack's departure took place just after the Chief of General Staff of the IDF [Israeli Defense Forces Israeli military =] Lt.-Gen Gabi Ashkenazi on Sunday from a week-long Visiting the U.S. had returned as a guest Mullens. Ashkenazi held talks with Cheney, Hadley and other senior officials, which focused on the Iranian nuclear program.

"Right now run many strategic considerations from what Iran is concerned, but no one has decided what to do," said a high IDF officer who was involved in the talks between Israel and the U.S.. "We are still far from the time to bow to the military itself together over cards and plan an operation."

In recent weeks, Mullen had said publicly that he opposed military action against Iran, which has a third front for that could open just in Iraq and Afghanistan fighting U.S. is.

Barack talks in the U.S. find a good week after the U.S. sent its third highest diplomat to the EU negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program in Geneva instead.

"This way, they will say, they have tried everything," one official speculated. "This will increase America's chances of public support both at home and the support of the European countries that are now against military action to get."

diplomats had also speculated that the talks between Iran and the U.S. faced with the presidential elections here.

The IDF officer, according to the regular meetings between Israel and the U.S. in recent weeks - Mullen was in Israel in June - a sign of the strong links between the two countries and for the common interest, both in various regional issues such as Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas and Syria.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Used Skate Sharpening Equipment

The top 10 war profiteers

war is always a huge business for a few large companies. Which they are exactly BusinessPundit has assembled in his Top 25 of the biggest war profiteers. Because this list is very long, I'm here once the first selected 10th

The 25 most diabolical Irakkriegsgewinnler

The Iraq war means different things to different people. He is known as a strategic error and tremendous injustice and sometimes, much to the chagrin of rational human beings, as a patriotic mission. For many large companies, however, the war is something completely different: a lucrative cash cow. The ongoing military conflict over the years, the fear of the so-called "military industrial complex" back to life. Critics in the media are outraged at private Companies, the huge and never get called into question contracts for the production of weapons, the reconstruction of infrastructure, or anything else that the government deems necessary to win (or to hoist its flag in Iraq). Whatever your attitude to the war, it pays to know where your tax dollars flowing.

The following is a detailed list of the 25 companies that beat the most profit from this controversial conflict.

first Halliburton

The first name that one here immediately by the Head shot, is Halliburton. According to MSN Money that belongs to Halliburton, KBR Inc. accepted government authorities in the years from 2003-2006 $ 17,200,000,000. It is estimated that identified with the war directly related revenues a fifth of total revenue in 2006. With those huge payments to the construction and maintenance of military bases, oil fields and repair of various infrastructure projects have been cross-financed by the war-torn country. This is just the latest in a long series of cooperative partnerships between the military and KBR, in no small part thanks to the former role of Dick Cheney in the parent company.

second Veritas Capital Fund / Dyn Corp.

At first glance it may seem strange that a private equity fund (not to say Exxon-Mobile) is the second will be the largest war profiteering. But the smart-run fund has raked in 1.44 billion U.S. dollars through its subsidiary, DynCorp. The main service that DynCorp has provided the war effort is available, the training of new Iraqi police forces. Often referred to as "state within a state ', are the considerable Company of Dwight M. Williams, former Chief Security Officer of the aspiring U.S. Department of Homeland Security [Homeland Security], passed. This and other close ties to defense agencies, Veritas Capital Fund and DynCorp are well positioned to beat even more capital out of Iraq.

third Washington Group International

The Washington Group International has expertise in the repair, restoration and maintenance of oil fields with high output in revenues of 931 million dollars Iraq war in 2004-2006 implemented. The other specialty of listed company with 25,000 employees, the construction and maintenance of schools, military bases and urban facilities such as water supply. Some have complained that the lush government payments have served mainly to increase the market value of the company. One thing is for sure - with oil prices continuing to rise, there is no shortage of demand for oil to give assurance services offered by the Washington International Group.

4th Environmental Chemical

Every war zone is finally with spent ammunition and broken or left behind weapons strewn, creating a lucrative niche for any company that is willing to clean up everything. In Iraq, this duty has fallen into the hands of Environmental Chemical. The privately held company based in Burlingham, Calif., had accumulated to the end of the year 2006 878 million dollars for the disposal of ammunition and refers to his "decades of experience in planning and conducting UXO disposal, investigation and certification . The company has close links with various Defense agencies and employed graduates of the U.S. Navy's Explosive Ordinance Schools, as well as by the U.S. Army's Chemical Schools at Anniston.

5th Aegis

Aegis has made the UK proud by securing a contract to coordinate all private security operations in Iraq could drag on land. The contract with the Pentagon brings $ 430,000,000 (incredibly lucrative by any standards), but Aegis has some dangerous PR problems overthrown. The company's decision, to the war effort in Iraq part have led to the rejection of his application for membership in the International Peace Operations Association. According to The Independent, the influential trade organization, Aegis does not consider it appropriate in the "peace and stability industry" to be included. It remains to be seen whether Aegis still banned for his participation in the training of Iraqi security forces remains.

6th International American Products

Even with all the amazing and groundbreaking innovation in military technology, but nothing like this would be no electricity to use it. to lay electrical lines in enemy territory is a delicate thing, but American International product has ventured out and collected in just three year 759 million dollars for their efforts. Although they avoid enemy fire, their work has become increasingly dangerous - but still absolutely necessary - as the coalition forces struggle to build cities again to fend off warring parties and to stabilize the chaotic country. Schools, oil fields and other public infrastructure have relied on electricity, they need to emergency generators. After Iraq is now slowly beginning to stabilize, International American Products is hoping that her job is less insidious.

7th Erinys

The London-based Erinys has so far 136 million U.S. dollars for their efforts to obtain Iraq's valuable oil. As a result of his considerable expertise in the fields of mining, oil and construction, the company has already achieved remarkable progress in this incredibly important goal. In the space of just 16 months has successfully Erinys 20,000 Iraqi Security forces trained, equipped and mobilized to protect the pipeline in the country from terrorist attacks and sabotage. As crude oil prices continue to rise and no end in sight, Erinys still seems to have for the coming years hands full of work.

8th Fluor

reached Fluor 2004 monster contract in the amount of $ 1.1 billion on the construction and maintenance of fresh water and sewage systems in Iraq. The business is actually a joint venture between Fluor (a company with 44 800 Employees and based in Aliso Viejo) and London's AMEC, PLC and actually encompasses two separate contracts. The first - $ 600 million - fluoride required to build a water supply and treatment systems for Iraq's largest cities. A second 500 million contract includes the lucrative joint venture that similar calls in other, less dangerous regions provides.

9th Perini

Perini (controlled by the investor Richard Blum) is one of the controversial company make big money in Iraq. The reason for this is that Bloom's wife, Senator Dianne Feinstein, based in the Military Construction Appropriations Subcommittee seems to have used to direct a $ 650,000,000 business of cleaning up the environment to his advantage. This has to outrage and an outcry because of conflicts of interest in the media but also at Feinstein's colleagues out in Congress.

10th URS Corporation

A further denigrated and controlled by Blum company that profited from Iraq URS Corporation is added. Has long been known as one of the principal contractor in the country in defense, URS has negotiated with headquarters in San Francisco 792 million U.S. dollars deal for the cleanup in Iraq war zones. As with Perini, both Blum and Feinstein came into focus and had to answer questions about the apparent conflict of interest in fine porcelain that has helped to draw such a large government contract for her investment banker husband on land. Both have refused to make copies of the decision of the Ethics Committee of Perini and URS, leading to considerable speculation.