Thursday, July 31, 2008

Orlando Glory Holes 2010

So a nuclear strike against Iran is acceptable made

well known, makes Israel the most pressure on the U.S. to act against Iran. What a perverse level has reached and how the U.S. media be used, also a Nuclear strike to pass off as acceptable, says Professor James Petras :

The New York Times nuclear annihilation makes acceptable

On 18 July 2008, the New York Time an article by Israeli-Jewish historian Professor Benny Morris, an Israeli attack on Iran with the great likelihood of a nuclear genocide on 70 million Iranians - 12 times as many as the Jewish victims of the Nazis in the Holocaust - defended:

"Iran's leaders would do well to rethink their game and their nuclear program suspend. If they refuse to, so the best they can hope to, that a conventional air attack by Israel destroyed their nuclear facilities. Certainly it means thousands of Iranian victims and international humiliation. But the alternative is an Iran turned into a nuclear desert. "

Morris is a frequent speaker and is a consultant for the Israeli political and military establishment and has unique access to the strategists of the Israeli military. Morris defense and public support for the brutal expulsion of the Palestinians is commonly known. Still do not have it because his genocidal views prevented to get several academic awards. His writings and views are printed in Israel's leading newspapers and magazines. Morris views are not the empty rhetoric of an insignificant psychopaths, as seen from the recent publication of his open letter in The New York Times.

says What the publication of an article in The New York Times, calling for the nuclear incineration of 70 million Iranians and the contamination of a large part of the one billion people of the Middle East, Asia and Europe, about American politics and culture? It is the NYT, which informs the 'educated classes' in the U.S., with its Sunday supplements, the literature section and the editorial serves as a "moral conscience" of key parts of culture, business and political elite.

The New York Times provides a certain respectability to mass murder, which Morris had views not otherwise possessed, she had appeared in neo-conservative weekly or monthly magazines. The fact that the NYT the prospect of an Israeli mass extermination of millions of Iranians part of the political debate in the Middle East look shows how much influence the Zionist fascism 'higher' cultural and journalistic circles in the United States. It is the truth that this is the logical outgrowth of the public affirmation of economic blockade of 1.4 million Palestinians in Gaza with the aim to starve them and the concealment of the influence of the Israeli-Zionist AIPAC at the start of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, were killed in result of which more than one million Iraqis, by the Times .

The Times sets the tone for the whole cultural scene in New York, which privileges the interests of Israel as far as that not only the regular violations of international law but also the threats, specifically the promise of large parts of the world in the race to burn for regional hegemony, seamlessly integrated into the discourse of American foreign policy. The willingness of the NYT, a to publish Israeli defender of genocide, shows us how strong the links between a, as they say, "liberal" pro-Israel publication and the totalitarianism of the Israeli right are: It is like saying that the liberal, pro- Israeli establishment, the non-Jewish Nazis are beyond any limit, but the views and policies of the Zionist fascists need close review and may also apply.

Morris article in the New York Times broke no objections from the 52 presidents of major American Jewish organizations (PMAJO) because its daily news bulletin, Daily Alert, published regular articles by Israeli and American Zionists who advocated an Israeli or American nuclear strike against Iran. In other words, Morris totalitarian views are part of the cultural matrix that is embedded deep in the Zionist organizational networks and their extensions into the broad cultural and political circles in the U.S.. What the Times has reached with the pressure of Morris Madness is the discourse on the genocide of the limited environment of the Zionists out to have moved into the mainstream of millions of American readers.

Apart from a handful of writers (not Jewish, and Jewish), to publish insignificant sites, there was no political or moral condemnation of this insult to our humanity from the entire literary, political and journalistic world. No attempt was made to Morris totalitarian, genocidal policies with Israel's public threats and preparations for a nuclear War. There is no anti-nuclear movement, led by our most influential intellectuals, to reject the state (Israel) and the intellectuals of his public, prepare a nuclear war, with the potential to ten times the Jewish victims of the Nazis were slain, destroy.

The nuclear incineration of Iran is the Israeli counterpart of Hitler's gas chambers and crematoria. Eradication is the last stage of Zionism: accept the doctrine of rule or ruin the air and the country in the world. This is the direct message of Benny Morris (and his official Israeli sponsors), the place, like Hitler, ultimatums to the Iranians, "to surrender or you will be destroyed" and the U.S. threaten to "help us to bomb Iran or see a global environmental and economic disaster against.

Morris This is without question, completely, totally insane and medically. The New York Times shows with the release his genocidal hatred, such as power and wealth to the expiration of the Jewish intellectual and cultural life in the U.S. have helped. To understand the dimensions of this decline, we need only the brilliant, tragic-comic, German-Jewish writer Walter Benjamin, who fled in despair before the progressive and totalitarian Nazi terror, with Benny Morris criminal defense of Zionist nuclear terror in the New York Times to compare.

The question of the power of Zionism in America is not only a question of a "lobby", the decisions of Congress and the White House on development aid to Israel affected. Today is about the related Questions on the defense of a nuclear war in which 70 million Iranians look forward to its destruction and the complicity of the American media, as a platform, no create a certain political respectability for mass murder and global contamination.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Temporary Employment Template

speculators to claw the food supply

The ever-popular locusts hit in the U.S. again. As the George Washington Blog know it is this time not to single, large company. No, it's about the most basic human need: food.

speculators try to buy control of the food supply

According to the New York Times, Financial Times and other now, hedge funds and other investors farms, farmland, fertilizer, threshing, loading and other things needed for the production of food.

In view of the decline of real estate and financial sector and the weakness of the U.S. economy are big investors came to the former, that everyone has to eat and so that food production is a sure thing. This means that speculators will drive up food prices further up.

Jim Hightower puts it:

have "with" my infrastructure, "they take control of the food in the hands of financial manipulation to centralize, which want to reap only one thing: fat profits.

The price? Aha! That is all that's what the consolidation of farms and storage goes. If you can limit the production and inventories store - then you can drive up prices. When corn prices are lower than investors want them, then you simply store the corn, forcing up prices. Or if the corn prices are low in the U.S., then shipped to him just in Japan or somewhere else, where prices are higher. And if these disturbances trigger a collapse of the food industry? Hey, the speculators will already have billions of profits drawn from it and just to see after the next hot investment.

Hedge funds bring nothing but greed and grief to the agriculture and our food supply, and it should be forbidden "to have infrastructure."

Hightower may be right: we should ask the Congress to deter speculators to buy up a basic needs.

also strengthens my conviction that we should have guaranteed access to affordable and healthy food.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How Do I Find Out What Kind Of Pool Table I Have

negotiations with Iran only a pretext?

caused a great stir there last week that the U.S. has for the first time sent a senior diplomat to talks with Iran. Yaakov Katz now reports in the Jerusalem Post that we were celebrating too early, and perhaps still is anything but a turnaround is. More like a smart move.

government officials: U.S. talk to Iran of an attack to legitimize

The last talks, the U.S. has done with Iran, aim at a justification for a possible attack on to create Iranian nuclear facilities, the Ministry of Defence officials speculated on Sunday, as defense minister Ehud Barack to Washington for talks with senior government members departed.

Blackburn will travel to Washington and New York and hold talks with his counterpart Robert Gates, Vice-President Dick Cheney, Chief of Staff Admiral Michael Mullen, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley.

said government officials, it was likely that President Bush attend the meeting between Barack and Hadley would. On Wednesday, Barack will be flying at a brief meeting with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to New York.

Barack's departure took place just after the Chief of General Staff of the IDF [Israeli Defense Forces Israeli military =] Lt.-Gen Gabi Ashkenazi on Sunday from a week-long Visiting the U.S. had returned as a guest Mullens. Ashkenazi held talks with Cheney, Hadley and other senior officials, which focused on the Iranian nuclear program.

"Right now run many strategic considerations from what Iran is concerned, but no one has decided what to do," said a high IDF officer who was involved in the talks between Israel and the U.S.. "We are still far from the time to bow to the military itself together over cards and plan an operation."

In recent weeks, Mullen had said publicly that he opposed military action against Iran, which has a third front for that could open just in Iraq and Afghanistan fighting U.S. is.

Barack talks in the U.S. find a good week after the U.S. sent its third highest diplomat to the EU negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program in Geneva instead.

"This way, they will say, they have tried everything," one official speculated. "This will increase America's chances of public support both at home and the support of the European countries that are now against military action to get."

diplomats had also speculated that the talks between Iran and the U.S. faced with the presidential elections here.

The IDF officer, according to the regular meetings between Israel and the U.S. in recent weeks - Mullen was in Israel in June - a sign of the strong links between the two countries and for the common interest, both in various regional issues such as Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas and Syria.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Used Skate Sharpening Equipment

The top 10 war profiteers

war is always a huge business for a few large companies. Which they are exactly BusinessPundit has assembled in his Top 25 of the biggest war profiteers. Because this list is very long, I'm here once the first selected 10th

The 25 most diabolical Irakkriegsgewinnler

The Iraq war means different things to different people. He is known as a strategic error and tremendous injustice and sometimes, much to the chagrin of rational human beings, as a patriotic mission. For many large companies, however, the war is something completely different: a lucrative cash cow. The ongoing military conflict over the years, the fear of the so-called "military industrial complex" back to life. Critics in the media are outraged at private Companies, the huge and never get called into question contracts for the production of weapons, the reconstruction of infrastructure, or anything else that the government deems necessary to win (or to hoist its flag in Iraq). Whatever your attitude to the war, it pays to know where your tax dollars flowing.

The following is a detailed list of the 25 companies that beat the most profit from this controversial conflict.

first Halliburton

The first name that one here immediately by the Head shot, is Halliburton. According to MSN Money that belongs to Halliburton, KBR Inc. accepted government authorities in the years from 2003-2006 $ 17,200,000,000. It is estimated that identified with the war directly related revenues a fifth of total revenue in 2006. With those huge payments to the construction and maintenance of military bases, oil fields and repair of various infrastructure projects have been cross-financed by the war-torn country. This is just the latest in a long series of cooperative partnerships between the military and KBR, in no small part thanks to the former role of Dick Cheney in the parent company.

second Veritas Capital Fund / Dyn Corp.

At first glance it may seem strange that a private equity fund (not to say Exxon-Mobile) is the second will be the largest war profiteering. But the smart-run fund has raked in 1.44 billion U.S. dollars through its subsidiary, DynCorp. The main service that DynCorp has provided the war effort is available, the training of new Iraqi police forces. Often referred to as "state within a state ', are the considerable Company of Dwight M. Williams, former Chief Security Officer of the aspiring U.S. Department of Homeland Security [Homeland Security], passed. This and other close ties to defense agencies, Veritas Capital Fund and DynCorp are well positioned to beat even more capital out of Iraq.

third Washington Group International

The Washington Group International has expertise in the repair, restoration and maintenance of oil fields with high output in revenues of 931 million dollars Iraq war in 2004-2006 implemented. The other specialty of listed company with 25,000 employees, the construction and maintenance of schools, military bases and urban facilities such as water supply. Some have complained that the lush government payments have served mainly to increase the market value of the company. One thing is for sure - with oil prices continuing to rise, there is no shortage of demand for oil to give assurance services offered by the Washington International Group.

4th Environmental Chemical

Every war zone is finally with spent ammunition and broken or left behind weapons strewn, creating a lucrative niche for any company that is willing to clean up everything. In Iraq, this duty has fallen into the hands of Environmental Chemical. The privately held company based in Burlingham, Calif., had accumulated to the end of the year 2006 878 million dollars for the disposal of ammunition and refers to his "decades of experience in planning and conducting UXO disposal, investigation and certification . The company has close links with various Defense agencies and employed graduates of the U.S. Navy's Explosive Ordinance Schools, as well as by the U.S. Army's Chemical Schools at Anniston.

5th Aegis

Aegis has made the UK proud by securing a contract to coordinate all private security operations in Iraq could drag on land. The contract with the Pentagon brings $ 430,000,000 (incredibly lucrative by any standards), but Aegis has some dangerous PR problems overthrown. The company's decision, to the war effort in Iraq part have led to the rejection of his application for membership in the International Peace Operations Association. According to The Independent, the influential trade organization, Aegis does not consider it appropriate in the "peace and stability industry" to be included. It remains to be seen whether Aegis still banned for his participation in the training of Iraqi security forces remains.

6th International American Products

Even with all the amazing and groundbreaking innovation in military technology, but nothing like this would be no electricity to use it. to lay electrical lines in enemy territory is a delicate thing, but American International product has ventured out and collected in just three year 759 million dollars for their efforts. Although they avoid enemy fire, their work has become increasingly dangerous - but still absolutely necessary - as the coalition forces struggle to build cities again to fend off warring parties and to stabilize the chaotic country. Schools, oil fields and other public infrastructure have relied on electricity, they need to emergency generators. After Iraq is now slowly beginning to stabilize, International American Products is hoping that her job is less insidious.

7th Erinys

The London-based Erinys has so far 136 million U.S. dollars for their efforts to obtain Iraq's valuable oil. As a result of his considerable expertise in the fields of mining, oil and construction, the company has already achieved remarkable progress in this incredibly important goal. In the space of just 16 months has successfully Erinys 20,000 Iraqi Security forces trained, equipped and mobilized to protect the pipeline in the country from terrorist attacks and sabotage. As crude oil prices continue to rise and no end in sight, Erinys still seems to have for the coming years hands full of work.

8th Fluor

reached Fluor 2004 monster contract in the amount of $ 1.1 billion on the construction and maintenance of fresh water and sewage systems in Iraq. The business is actually a joint venture between Fluor (a company with 44 800 Employees and based in Aliso Viejo) and London's AMEC, PLC and actually encompasses two separate contracts. The first - $ 600 million - fluoride required to build a water supply and treatment systems for Iraq's largest cities. A second 500 million contract includes the lucrative joint venture that similar calls in other, less dangerous regions provides.

9th Perini

Perini (controlled by the investor Richard Blum) is one of the controversial company make big money in Iraq. The reason for this is that Bloom's wife, Senator Dianne Feinstein, based in the Military Construction Appropriations Subcommittee seems to have used to direct a $ 650,000,000 business of cleaning up the environment to his advantage. This has to outrage and an outcry because of conflicts of interest in the media but also at Feinstein's colleagues out in Congress.

10th URS Corporation

A further denigrated and controlled by Blum company that profited from Iraq URS Corporation is added. Has long been known as one of the principal contractor in the country in defense, URS has negotiated with headquarters in San Francisco 792 million U.S. dollars deal for the cleanup in Iraq war zones. As with Perini, both Blum and Feinstein came into focus and had to answer questions about the apparent conflict of interest in fine porcelain that has helped to draw such a large government contract for her investment banker husband on land. Both have refused to make copies of the decision of the Ethics Committee of Perini and URS, leading to considerable speculation.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Black Hair Masterbates

The Iraq war is as expensive as Vietnam

Another sad parallel between Vietnam and Iraq was prepared to think progress. Based on estimates of the Congress, it is now official: The Iraq war is almost as expensive as Vietnam.

Report: With $ 648 billion, the cost of the Iraq war almost as high as that in Vietnam

In his 1999 book "A Charge to Keep," wrote President Bush that he had "from Vietnam the lesson learned, never ask the military about to wage a political war. " After his Iraq war had started in April 2004, Bush rejected the analogy that Iraq would turn into a quagmire like Vietnam, from.

Question: How do you answer the Vietnam comparison?

Bush: I think the analogy is false.

Last August, President Bush changed his mind and adopted the Vietnam analogy, saying that Vietnam had taught us that the "price for America's withdrawal" is expensive and painful.

revealed in new report by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) that keep the costs where the real similarity between Iraq and Vietnam. Calculated with the dollar in 2007 [= inflation-adjusted] cost of the Vietnam War, the U.S. $ 686,000,000,000. The Iraq war, which lasted just a good 5 years is, at 648 billion dollars:

The CRS notes that "All estimates relate solely to the military operations and do not reflect the costs for the disabled care, interest on debt related to the war, or support for allies." Consequently, the actual cost of the Iraq war are likely to be much more expensive, as the Nobel laureate economist Joe Stiglitz in his book "The Three Trillion Dollar War" reported.

It is despite all that unlikely that the White House is worried about rising costs. In October, said the CBO [Budget Committee of Congress], the war could cost two trillion dollars during the next decade. "I'm not concerned about that number," said Dana Perino, spokeswoman for the White response, in response, and called the estimates "pure speculation".

"The price of America's withdrawal" from Iraq would be an alternative that Bush seriously should use.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Mini Sandrail Plans For Free

And again caught

This morning I wrote already in great detail about the causes and true dimensions of the banking crisis, a matching I still have this message from Douglas McIntyre at blogging displayed Stocks : go

Two other state banks Bankruptcy

The FDIC has [Deposit Insurance Fund] over two more banks. According to the Wall Street Journal pulled "the office of the auditors of the currency, a division of the Treasury, the charters of First National Bank of Nevada, based in Reno, Nevada and First Heritage Bank of Newport Beach, California one. The FIDC was designated as recipient of the two banks. "Bank of Nevada had deposits of more than three billion dollars.

Current estimates suggest that fewer than 100 banks will go bankrupt during the current credit crisis, a much smaller number than those who had to close during the "saving and loan" debacle of the late 80s.

However, these estimates may be too low. Bill Gross, an extremely well-known investor and head of Pimco, recently wrote that total losses due to the property market will reach the milestone of one billion dollars. About 450 billion of write-downs have already through the system done. That leaves a potentially enormous burden on the banking system.

The idea that only 100 banks will go bankrupt next year wishful thinking.

Chapter Summaries Book Deathwatch

's two crashes of the Dow to 6,000 points?

What next for the U.S. economy, the banking crisis and what are the consequences for the world? An answer to these questions could Mike Whintey translate his articles have here. What he predicted is bleak, very bleak.

A look into the crystal ball: Expect them to improvise the Dow at 6,000 points

Last Wednesday, at a press conference George Bush probably had the funniest performance in the eight years of his presidency. While he tried his best to reassure the public that "all is well" with the economy and that everyone's deposits would be absolutely safe in the fast resolution of the U.S. banking system, he looked like the captain on the bridge of the Hindenburg. Bush leaned casually on the podium, shrugged his shoulders and said,

"My hope is that people take a deep breath and realize that their deposits are protected by our government. We do not see the growth that we would like to see, but the financial system is basically intact. "

Right, "deep breathing" and relax, no need to panic. One should not its basic serenity of the long queues of anxious savers who try to, what's left of their savings, most out of the no longer existing IndyMac Bank can destroy. The banking system is absolutely safe, you heard it from the president himself.

same time as Bush offered his soothing words on all major TV channels, central bank director was Ben Bernanke at the other end of a decidedly darker Washington assessment of the economy:

"The contraction in the real estate market that began in 2006, and the related decline of the mortgage market, which last year became obvious, have led to significant losses of the banks and a tightening of general credit conditions. The effects of the contraction of the real estate market and the financial headwinds on spending and economic activity, were exacerbated by the rapid rise in prices for energy and other commodities, the purchasing power of households have just as weak as they have fueled inflation. Against this background, growth during this first half year was very slow, while inflation remained elevated. "

Keep in mind that these two events were perfectly coordinated to take place at the same time, Wednesday, 10:20. Quite a coincidence, right? Again, a masterful PR campaign, orchestrated by Bush's PR team, the last functioning agency in the entire bureaucracy. Surprising to no one: the agreed media made it to the attention of the impending financial firestorm to distract long enough to lull the American people so that it does not believe that something really is wrong, the economy is ok.

re Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke:

"The economy does continue to face various problems, including continued tensions in the financial markets, deteriorating House prices, a softening labor market and rising prices for oil, food and some other commodities ... The deteriorating results of the sub-prime mortgages in the United States triggered turbulence in domestic and international financial markets, as investors were noticeably less willing to credit risks of any kind to bear .... Many financial markets and institutions remain under considerable pressure, in part because the outlook on the economy, and thus the credit quality, remains in question. "

While Bernanke a hammer after another brought, worked our commander in chief so, rumble to and funny stories with your mates of Washington press corps exchange. The small press conference turned out to be a typical Bush fraternity party with lots of on-the-back-tapping and neighing.

"They had a question, stretch" (Ha, ha)

And that's it. Bernanke open and (obviously) anxious assessment of the economy has been made of Bush's distracting palaver and showing off in the shade, a further, astonishing victory for the twists of the White House. Nonetheless, the statement can be dug up and examined the Director of the Central Bank of all, the want to know how bad things really are, to prepare them for the upcoming hard times can prepare.
(To be found here: Bernanke's Semianual Monetary Policy Report to Congress; )

re Bernanke:

"In the real estate market activity continues to fall ... The Real estate prices are falling, particularly in regions earlier this decade, the biggest price increases were told. The drop in home prices has contributed to the flood of auctioning. By increasing the supply of homes to be sold, they have the same pressure on house prices increased in some regions ... investigations into the investment plans indicate indicates that the companies concerned about the economic and financial environment, including sharply rising costs of acquisition and marking to stay scarcity of loans. And they are likely to be cautious with their spending in the second half of this year. "

The economic sky is getting dark quickly and Bernanke made no effort to hide his concern. His statement was as close to the truth, how to get in Washington, where honesty is usually like a malignant tumor removed from her. In any case, it is worth it to wade word for word by Bernanke's speech, even if it only reinforces one's own opinion that the economy is about to get a sleigh ride to take through a deflationary blast furnace, which will likely end in the dissolution of Brenton Woods, irregular replacement of the dollar as a reserve currency in the world, and one end of the United States as short-lived, the only superpower. The American century is out of steam, just eight years in the new millennium. Bernanke's presentation confirms what the industry bloggers have been saying for three years, the end is near, bring its house in order.

Consumer spending is down, the labor market yields and the food and fuel prices are rising rapidly. Property values are in free fall, wages have stagnated and American households are overworked, underpaid and under greater pressure than they ever were in history. Everything is bad. No wonder that consumer confidence is at its low point.

"Summer 1931"?

The next stone will fall, the stock market. This is not so complicated when the wholesale prices of rare materials and supplies go up, but those costs can not be passed on to consumers because they are exhausted. Then crash, corporate profits and the stock markets slide down with the force of an avalanche.

The journalist Ambrose Evans-Pritchard is summarized as follows:

"It feels like the summer of 1931. The two largest financial institutions in the world had a heart attack. The global currency system is breaking down. The policy doctrines that got us into this mess are bankrupt. No leader of the world seems to be able to perceive the problem, let alone solve it. The International Monetary Fund has approved in schizophrenia ... My view is that the crash of the dollar will be prevented if it becomes clear that the disease has spread all over the world. But we are now at the point of maximum danger. (Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, "The Global Economy is at the point of maximum danger", UK Telegraph)

"highest risk", in fact. The chaos of the stock market is right around the corner. Expect the Dow at 6,000 and then you take care of around the pure survival. The indices will collapse and that Wall Street will be in Dresden-like ruins, nothing left but toxic fumes and twisted steel. By the end of 2009, the last few bulls will be taken to the streets and one by one to have been slaughtered. It will not be pretty.

According to Bloomberg News: "Investors worldwide are more than a trillion dollars to a collapse in stock prices."

But no matter how bad it is, the media still have their market predictions make merry while they recite each and every sentence pressed confused thoughts of our dear leader alcoholic. The queues at the emergency shelters, mortgage houses and soup kitchens can be drawn from the Golden Gate Bridge to the Statue of Liberty, but the ever-optimistic predictions of a "valley of the property market" or an "economic turnaround" will ring out still from each Medienmegafon the nation. America's financial media is a never ending source of baseless optimism and hogwash.

It's funny: while Bush held his faux-pas Conference, were on other channels live recordings of up to Teeth showed armed police who were sent to various offices IndyMac. Their task was to the Assembly of older "blue-haired women and white middle-aged men in Tommy Bahama T-shirts to remind them that any sign of public outrage would be immediately met with King Rondey moderate justice. Hmmm. So now the talk of savings by the bank not only dangerous, it is tantamount to committing a crime. Mei, as America has changed. Set to

have spent only the frustration before, 5 dollars for a gallon of gasoline to drive to the next IndyMac branch and the to get what may have remained from the savings left, only to then be mixed up by the local police. Nice thought, eh?

go into the bank? Do not forget the protective lever!

The truth is that the banking system is built on a foundation of pure quicksand and it's only a matter of time, begin to Bush's stick-swinging robocops to tasers old ladies and single flow white guys for being in front of the boarded up their doors local bank have gathered. Go on now.

Denninger Market Ticker made from this insightful observation of the current situation of the banking system. He said: "Why tell us Paulson every time it to within 200 yards of a microphone will be established, that our banking system is perfectly okay? Perhaps because the banking system teeters on the brink of total collapse and he knows that you could bring it fall over with a feather to "(The Market-Ticker)

know it is worthwhile that the demise of IndyMac, the FDIC [ Deposit Protection Fund] estimates as cost eight billion of its meager reserves of 53 billion dollars. Four or five failures of this size and the FDIC will be set, which is a serious problem because even every conservative estimate assumes that the bank failures in the hundreds will go. The Fed will be forced to assume the debt and further weaken the dollar.

But IndyMac is a small fish compared to the obligations of the two giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Years of shoddy accounting and risky investments, unfair lending and political cronyism have eroded the balance sheets of both support from the government and companies to the brink of insolvency. If they fail, then it will be disastrous for the American taxpayer is expected to to guarantee 5.2 trillion dollars in American real estate loans, of which hundreds of billions were given to borrowers, are very likely to go bankrupt on their own credit in the coming years.

And the housing bubble continues hissing, Fannie and Freddie, losses of 500 billion dollars and more have to accept what angered foreign investors forces them to get rid of their government bonds and to make the dust. If that happens, the long-term interest rates will skyrocket and the dollar will break down aging to a garbage heap. The Bush administration can not let this happen, and so is Henry Paulson in Congress for more emergency funding request (which he does now), so he rebuilt the confidence of investors and the flight of foreign Capital can stop. Whether Fannie and Freddie are saved or not, there will always be a blow to the dollar, which can only be weaker with soaring deficits and dwindling confidence. There is really very little chance that the dollar will survive as an "international currency".

The economist Nouriel Roubini summed it up thus:

"The existence of support by the government enterprises (GSEs) is an important part of the overall U.S. subsidization of housing equity, which will ultimately lead to bankruptcy of the American economy. Over the past 70 years has been investing in property - the unproductive form of capital to accumulate - to 100 different species in the U.S. heavily subsidized: tax benefits, tax deductibility of loan interest rates, use of the FHA [home funding], the massive role of Fannie and Freddie, the role of the Federal Home Loan Bank System [Federal Mortgage System] a huge amount of legal and regulatory measures.

The truth is that the U.S. - particularly in the last eight years - invested too much (whose effect on the productivity of labor is zero) in their stock of wasteful housing equity, and not enough in the accumulation of productive, physical capital ( equipment, machinery) leading to an increase in the productivity of labor and a long-term growth, have invested. This financial crisis is a crisis caused by the accumulation of too much debt - by households, government and the country - to finance the accumulation of the most useless and unproductive form of capital, real estate, offering consumers only the ministry of housing and no effect on the productivity of labor have "(Seeking Alpha," Just How Terrible is Housing as an Asset Class? Roubini Weighs In ")

Fannie and Freddie made this mistake in the 90's on mortgage-backed securities (MBS) pivoted around . grew between 1997 and 2007 Fannie's portfolio of bad MBS of 18.5 billion 127.8 billion dollars. The numbers are even higher at Freddie. Now they are in exactly the same downward spiral as the investment banks caught with billions of dollars in assets that lose value steadily each month. It is death by a thousand cuts. The losses have bled the two GSEs and left in a desperate search for new sources of fresh capital to fill their pads. Unfortunately, the investment funds of foreign governments believe is burned in the rescue of Citigroup, the fingers so they are no longer in the market for distressed American investment banks.

"The Economist sheds some light on the creative accounting at Fannie and Freddie:

"The companies were also unwilling to understand the difficulty of the market with delinquent loans. If the borrower does not make it their repayments for loans payment as part of the pool, the plant-based lending support to Fannie and Freddie to buy back the loan. But that requires an immediate depreciation, are at a point at which the market prices of loans anlagengestützen under pressure. Instead, the twins sometimes paid the interest in the pool to ensure that loans remained above water. According to Mr. Rosner is driving the losses simply in the future (The Economist, "The End of Illusions")

nice, no? Would not it be nice if women did not have to explain to their men, so they have squandered the paycheck at the racetrack? Apparently this is okay for Fannie and Freddie, just continue to pay the interest on bad loans and no one will ever know. What a ripoff. This is the Enron-like, sloppy bookkeeping, the unchallenged in Washington is because everyone doctored the figures for losses to the shareholders or the taxpayers to hide, as in this case. Therefore, these effeminate regulators at the SEC [SEC] by a couple of Abu Ghraib interrogators to be replaced. If Fannie and Freddie is going on nothing that is not a pair of leg braces and a couple of times could move into hiding when waterboarding again right.

The road to perdition: Paulson moron capitalism

was something terribly wrong with the economy, but no one will say what it is. This is more than just a typical downturn in the demand cycle or a temporary "rough adapter. In fact, it is not even a recession, there is a decline of the financial system. And it's obvious. The well-stocked Federal Reserve Bank is just the most cowardly speculators on this planet, the investment banks, hundreds of billions of dollars available through their tender and facilities.

precisely these banks have no option to pay this money back. Show me your income, show me your works, you show me their capital cushions, which are mainly exported to the terms of the "Level 3 assets" is calculated, and which allow banks to attribute their own values to the bad paper from their vaults over floats. Have you ever heard of something ridiculous? One blogger called Level 3 assets "of a" fancy size ". And he has to be right. It is all noise and smoke. So why we let crooks decide how much their assets are worth?

True, some investment banks recently reported better earnings than expected, but no one can be in Wall Street from this nonsense kidding. The SEC changed the rules for writing off of investments had only a few days before the earnings reports will be handed to another gift from Uncle Sam to hide the dirty laundry. Also, some banks have begun to extend their write-downs of 120 to 160 day to yourself to buy a little more time to deceive their shareholders about the size of their losses. It's all a big Dizziness of another follows. The whole business stinks to high heaven and the Bush administration lies nestled in a bed with them, holding on tight and hands.

Had the public the importance of the Bear Stearns fiasco meant she would have understood how bad the situation really is. The technical details are irrelevant and do not worry about that. What IS important that the Fed has ergeräumt that the investment speculators had so polluted the financial system, with its unregulated toxic waste (credit default swaps) that if the transaction had failed, with JP Morgan, the whole system would implode. Think about it. In other words, the "real Economy "is now inextricably tied to a $ 500,000,000,000,000 large, unregulated shadow banking system that operates without rules, without oversight and without sufficient capital. The free, unregulated derivatives trading is a cancer that has spread to every part of the system and it eats from within. It's just a matter of time until the patient succumbs. That's what the rescue of Bear Stearns really, the rest is nonsense.

The banking system is bankrupt, ruined, penniless, and still allow the Fed and the G7 to play this comedy continues as if nothing wrong. When will the American people wake up? And could someone please

explain how free markets exist, if speculators can be subsidized by the state or if the risk is abolished in risky investments? That means, namely, when the Fed will open its tender and facilities for investment banks and brokerage firms. It makes no sense. "Safety nets" of the governments are an abomination to the free market capitalism. "You pay your money and you have the chance." That's finance capitalism, you will with it.

What we see is a hybrid version of capitalism, "Paulson moron capitalism", a patchwork of rescue operations at the expense of taxpayers, government intervention and gibberish from the open market. It is a toxic mix of companies with unbalanced budgets, unregulated derivatives, economy, opaque hedge funds, sloppy Enron accounting and complex, difficult to pronounce debt instruments that are packaged in a cheap, unsustainable shell game, which is administered by fraudulent Harvard graduates and guarantees the government to 100%. This is the system we support with our tax dollars and is driving us right into bankruptcy.

This is not capitalism, my friend. It is a criminal system that is maintained by speculators and banking vermin. They have created this nightmare and they have condemns us all.

As long as we support the existing system, roll the economy, rising unemployment, forced verses Hilfiger revisions will increase rapidly, and tremble under the good old dollar will continue its march toward Mickey Mouse currency. It's time to clean up the house, and we can start to fire Paulson.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

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The masterminds behind Obama

today has Barack Obama's highly anticipated speech to the backdrop of the Brandenburg Gate. That he has a large number of consultants who bring him to such events in the limelight of media attention, reported at the weekend even the NY Times. But who is the real puppet masters, the Head behind the charismatic senator? Eric Walberg tries to explain this in article from the Al-Ahram Weekly, which I have translated.

Obama: The real power behind the throne

It is difficult to penetrate the hype and heat of Obama Mania, but one thing is clear: anyone who pulls the strings, argues Eric Walberg.

The race for election to the United States turns into the home stretch and it shows Barack Obama as the candidate who promised change, its true face. To the despair of anyone actually expecting changes. His recent call to declare Jerusalem the undivided capital of Israel, his denial of the right of Palestinians to return and his support for a Palestinian "state" similar to a reserve, which represents no threat to Israel, show how winning he yielded on this issue to the Zionist establishment.

After also President George W. Bush for an early withdrawal of troops from Iraq has called Obama's position looks on Iraq - the vow of the troops with the exception of a "residual force" within 16 months to take her home - less and less after a defining element of his foreign policy. Whatever always with the troops happened, it is not explicitly said it plans for the 14 permanent bases rewrite.

Obama also remains in Afghanistan in line. With growing losses of the NATO and exceed the monthly losses in Iraq, as in June this year, he suggested - now followed by McCain - that the U.S. up to 15,000 additional troops from Iraq should move there. Just before his trip to Afghanistan, he wrote in The New York Times "We need more troops, more helicopters, more successful intelligence work and more non-military Unterstzützung the mission to meet there." Would somebody please me the good Send to a victory Obama's show in November?

But then this should be no surprise to those who, with his main supporters and foreign policy adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, familiar. "To draw the Soviets into a Vietnamese quagmire" He went along with the current (and likely future) Secretary of Defense Robert Gates for the help, already in history. These are the words of Jimmy Carter's Secretary of Defense, Walter Slocumb, in March 1979, eight months before the Soviets were "drawn into" successful, when Gates was CIA chief. The change of guard in November will change nothing. The American Foreign policy has a logic that transcends the one who sleeps in the White House.

particularly heinous in all this is that there are five Brzezinski offspring who are all onboard the Obama campaign: Mark (director of Russian and Eurasian affairs at the National Security Council under President Clinton and one of the driving forces of the Orange Revolution in Ukraine in 2004 ), Ian (currently deputy secretary of state for European and NATO affairs and a supporter of the independence of Kosovo, NATO expansion into Ukraine and Georgia, and the missiles in Poland), Mika (political commentator on MSNBC, the interviews with Michele Obama contributed to the general Obama Mania media) and, finally, Mathew (a friend of Ilyas Akhamadov, "Foreign Minister and Ambassador of the Chechen opposition in the U.S.).

Brzezinski's trademark, an anti-Russian and anti-Muslim world politics, a future Obama administration dominate. In "Second Chance: Three Presidents and the Crisis of American Superpower," published last year, he sets his agenda for a new world order without a blush dar. Obviously there will be a global political awakening, the aim of "dignity" is. Non-economic development, not the reduction of poverty, not national independence from the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. Just the good old dignity, though Zbig mark the kind of dignity by creating spin-offs and weak Balkanization Staatlein for each ethnic minority, which the U.S. is appropriate. Remember: Kosovo and - if things went his way - Chechnya. Neo-Wilson's demagogy in the service not of peace but of U.S. hegemony, the encirclement of Russia and control the Arab world.

Zbig said at the official endorsement of Obama: "What makes Obama attractive to me is that he understands that we live in a very different world in which we are a large number understanding of cultures and peoples need. "Obama's alleged global approach and trans-ethnic and trans-racial fascination comes directly from Zbig textbook, or rather Second Chance, which will be the guide for the Obama campaign and his presidency.

Obama is literally a second chance for Brzezinski: having destroyed the Soviet Union and shattered the Warsaw Pact, he now wants to dissolve the Russian Federation itself and create the final touches on Afghanistan as an impregnable fortress of the United States against China, Russia, ... the list is endless. Perhaps Zbig is dreaming of restoring the Great Poland from 1600 - From the Black Sea to the Baltic, all controlled by petty aristocracy as the Brzezinski ...?

The Economist The blog said it best: "A new brain for Barack Obama! It is 78 years old and it still works perfectly. . It is Zbigniew Bezezinski, the lively former security adviser to Jimmy Carter "

The messianic idealism of the Obama campaign has been since the days of another creature Brzezinski not seen - Jimmy Carter, who makes him National Security Advisor, with catastrophic consequences. Brzezinski's anti-Russian obsession motivated him in 1976, to fueling the rise of Islamic fundamentalism, which he touted as the greatest single bulwark against Soviet communism.

Tarpley argues that Brzezinski was even secretly one of the driving forces in the overthrow of the Shah and the establishment of Ayatollah Khomeini in Tehran. Brzezinski cared less about the Middle East we have oil as a center from which Islamic fundamentalism could penetrate from the reactionary nature into the soft underbelly of the Soviet Union. For Brzezinski, the space between the southern border of the USSR and the Indian ocean to an "arc of crisis" and we must thank the skilful work of the horrors that take place there to this day. The

Carter Doctrine of 1980 - which said that the U.S. would dominate the Persian Gulf - is a root of the first Gulf War, the current Iraq war and the possible war against Iran. Brzezinski's grandiose scheme for the transformation of the world sparked a new cold war and was the birth of Al Qaeda, and without Soviet restraint the results could easily have been much more tragic than they ultimately were. In 1980, the disillusionment with Carter to the nightmare of the Reagan regime. But that was of little importance to Brzezinski - a small blinking on his radar screen.

2008, we have an obscure senator from Illinois, a Newcomer without notable success in the legislature, but solved with a raft full of utopian promises, including the race problem once and for all. Recession, unemployment and the alarming increase in poverty are insignificant, a golden age is imminent, thanks to this magical personality. Since he knows nothing about foreign policy, these matters will be fully taken over by the Brzezinski conspiracy.

But there seems to be a small hook. submissive Despite Obama's pro-Israel bows of late familiar to him, the Israeli lobby, not yet. Quite probably because they know who the man behind the heir apparent , and the stand they can not, nor he them. With regard to the AIPAC members, he said in an interview with The Daily Delegraph: "Do not you work by arguing but by slandering, demonize and vilify. They speak quickly from anti-Semitism. It is a kind of paranoia in this inclination to view any serious attempt at a peace compromise as somehow directed against Israel. "

But then Brzezinski was a key figure in Carter's Camp David Accords in 1978, by the Zionists often rejected because they return the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt as an exchange for a cold peace included. Brzezinski is definitely not a die-hard Zionist, although he is happy to allow the destruction of Palestine. Maybe he is behind his gentle exterior is still the Polish anti-Semite, with a version of the New World Order without Israel Center.

If he can get the general momentum, he could be able to outdo the Zionists in Washington and his horse to the finish first. These are on the defensive these days, with espionage accusations, and with J Street Project, a Jewish lobby group which even dares to criticize Israel. Is that then the estate in a Obama victory?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

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Another disciple less CO2

Andrew Bolt seems to have succeeded with his column, the stone of climate change again to start the ball rolling, because of Alex Jone's Prison Planet has one up this subject again. The author is Paul Joseph Watson about the sudden change of heart by a former disciple of CO2 report.

Scientific genius: No evidence that CO2 global warming triggers

Another main proponents of man-made climate change revoke

The campaign, which forces people to accept that "by the debate 'and that the driving caused by human CO2 emissions to climate change lies deep in the Trouble, because now another major advocate of global warming - has withdrawn its position completely - the scientific genius and carbon calculation expert Dr. Richard Evans.

Evans from 1999 to 2005 Adviser of the Australian Greenhouse Office, and he wrote the CO2-balance model (FullCAM), which monitors compliance with Australia's Kyoto Protocol.

points in an article in the newspaper The Australian forth Evans why he was so eager to jump on the train the man-made explanation without there is any clear result this was causing the temperature rise during the period between the late '70s and 1998 added.

"The evidence was not conclusive, but why wait until we were certain when it seemed as we had to act quickly? "writes Evans. "Soon after, worked together the government and the scientific community and there were many jobs in the research. We scientists had political support, the attention of government, big budgets and we felt fairly important and useful (I did anyway). It was great. We worked to save the planet. "

" But since 1999 new evidence the view that carbon dioxide emissions are the main cause of global warming seriously weakened and in 2007 were the evidence that carbon plays only a minor role and not the main cause of recent global warming was very conclusive. "he ends.

Evans argues that if the "greenhouse signature", which indicate that CO2 emissions could increase the temperatures - "an accumulation of heat in about 10 km altitude in the atmosphere over the tropics" - and which would be evident if man-made climate change would simply not existent.

"If there is no heat storage, then an increased greenhouse effect is not the cause of global warming. So know we ensure that carbon emissions are not the factor that determines the global warming, "he writes.

Evans highlights data collected from satellites around the earth and those who show that the temperatures have fallen last year by about 0.6 degrees Celsius - back to the level of the 80s. These figures are supplemented by anecdotal evidence of a slowdown - China learned recently the coldest winter in 100 years, taken during the North East of America's record snow depth was and Great Britain since under the coldest April decades in the late-blooming daffodils almost every day were covered with frost and snow, suffered.

Evans also cited past climate change and the fact that CO2 did not trigger increases in temperature, but they lagged behind throughout 800 years.

"The new ice cores show that took place during the past six global warmings of the last half million years the temperature rises on average 800 years before the accompanying rise in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. That says something important about it from what cause and what was effect. "He writes.

"The last point was known in 2003 and beyond any discussion, but Al Gore made his movie in 2005 and presented ice cores as the sole reason to believe that CO2 emissions cause global warming. In any other political context our cynical and experienced press would have companies would certainly be described as dishonest and widely questioned the politician's assessment. "Writes Evans.

Evans warns that the existence of the advocates of man-made theory that "the debate is over," although the content of CO2 discharged on climate change "only accepted, was not proven 'and the joy with the government measures to combat of global warming, this false adopter take economies are to ruin. And with continued cooling temperatures, the authorities accused of "criminal negligence" for deliberately lying to the public must make about climate change.

Evans public recantation of his position as a result of two peer-reviewed scientific papers, one of which documents how cool CO2 emissions in reality the temperature of the planet, and the others, like the IPCC the effect of CO2 discharged to the temperature by 2,000 percent has over-estimated.

As we reported last week that cools the world, the sea level drop, the ice is spreading, there are fewer extreme weather events and it was 1000 years ago hotter than today. Nevertheless, the myth of global warming is the excuse for governments in every aspect of our lives to intervene, such as those of Al Gore now openly called for CO2 tax on the energy we consume.

Andrew Bolt of the Australian Herald Sun has compiled a series of graphs based on numbers from a plethora of scientific bodies to prove that the allegations are proven not alarming, not only on climate change, but in reality the exact opposite of what the defenders proclaim the man-made global warming, is now observed.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

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The death of the free Internet

The freedom of information flow has become the Internet is unprecedented in world history. Never before has it been so easy for people to quickly and fully informed Sun Kevin Parkinson ringing in his article on Global Research now the alarm bells, because this freedom is to be destroyed in Canada now.
It is just about the cost of freedom, but with it will disappear all other freedom.

The Death of Free Internet is imminent

Canada had the run

In the past 15 years, we as a society, thanks of the Internet, access to more information than ever before in the modern history. There are approximately one billion Internet users in the world and in theory any of them communicate in real time with each other on this planet. The Internet was by far the largest technological achievement of the 20th Century and recognized as such by the world community.
The free exchange of information, uncensored, unlimited and pure seems to be still a dream when you think about it. No matter which field it lists - education, trade, government, news, entertainment, politics and countless other areas - they were all from the introduction of the Internet radically changed. And mostly they are good changes, unless it be wrong decisions and people cheated. Inspections and supervision are necessary, especially when it comes to children.

Anyway, if there are potential gains for a company that will not include the needs of society. Take the case in Canada the other day when the giants Telus and Rogers introduced a charge for text messaging without any warning to the public before. It was an arrogant and dangerous step for the telecommunications giants because the shot went off the back. People actually used Internet technology to these companies a loud and clear message to deliver, which then had to drop the extra fee. The people used the power of the Internet won against the big guys and the little boy. Despite all the

is the subject of text messages just a small dot on the Radarschrim of Telus and another company, Bell Canada, the two largest ISPs [Internet Service Provider ] in Canada. Our country is used as a test run to change the access to the Internet dramatically and forever. The change will be so radical that it has the potential to restore us again with regard to the days of coach access and sharing of information.

Make smooth in the next few weeks to a report in Time magazine, who will try to require the waves to the diabolical plot by Bell Canada and Telus, charge per page for most sites. The plan is to transform the Internet into a system similar to the cable television, in which customers subscribe to certain Web pages and then pay for it, or to go beyond a Absperrpunktes.

During my browsing (on the currently free Internet) I have found that the sinking of the free Internet in Canada for 2010 is planned, and two years later for the whole world. Canada is a good choice for introducing such shameful and sinister changes seen since the Canadians are known for their laissez-faire Mentalities and not as politically informed, and easy target to be considered. The plundering companies will iron out the wrinkles in Canada and then spread the new, castrated version of the Internet throughout the world, probably with little fanfare of the media, except for some dire warnings about evil on the Internet (free) and board chairman, the words spit "safe place". These keywords usually work quite well.

will look like the Internet in Canada 2010? I suspect that the ISP's set "package" is available, as do companies like Cogeco currently. Customers will pay for a set of web pages as they are now paying for their television stations. TV stations will be available online as part of this package, which should please the transmitter, since a large part of the younger market who surfs in the evening rather chats or have lost. However, if you choose something that is not part of the pact, then it's like when cable television now. You pay extra.

And that's what the Internet (free) as we know it almost immediately suffer under an economic stranglehold is. Thousands and thousands of pages will not be part of the package so users have to pay extra to visit those sites! While only an hour or two, it is easily possible to visit 20-30 or more pages in search of information. Just imagine Just imagine how high these costs will be.

today condemned the world, China is limited because the country specific pages. "They are undemocratic, they take away people their freedom, they do not respect the rights of every individual, they censor information," are some of the comments we hear. But what Bell Canada and Telus have planned for Canadians is much worse. They plan the death of the Internet (free) as we know it and I hardly expect a whimper from Canadians. It's all part of the Community Plan for a New World Order and virtually a masterstroke that will lead to billions and billions in corporate profits, but at the expense of the working and middle class.

There are so many other implications as a result of these changes, many people here a lot longer to omit it. Be aware that we will all lose our privacy because all websites are recognized as part of the settlement process and we will literally cut off of 90% of the information to which we now have access. The little guys on the net will die like flies. Bloggers and small website operators will die a quick death because people will not pay for them to visit their pages.

is ironically the only medium that can save us, that we are trying to save - the Internet (free). This item will be posted on my blog, , and I encourage people and groups to find out more about this subject. The Canadians can keep the Internet free of charge, just as they kept text messaging free. Do not wait for the politicians. They will do nothing to help us.

I would a letter to the Standard Freeholder from a spokesperson from Bell Canada or Telus welcome when he says to me that I am with what I have written, are absolutely false and that no such changes are planned on the Internet and access to sites in the next few years will stay free. In the meantime, I encourage you all to write to the media to ask questions, to call radio stations to call a friend or thinking about something else to prevent what seems inevitable.

Access to the Internet (free) to maintain, is the only chance we have for global takeover, the North American Union and a long list of other deadly deeds that the elite for us designed to prevent. Yesterday was too late to try to defend our rights and freedoms. Now we must redouble our efforts to give our children and grandchildren in the future the chance to fight.